(Okay, kid, where's YOUR milk mustache?)
Of Childhood
55 minutes ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
OK have to say this... CUTE!! But then I happen to always fall for big brown eyed bovines... when they aren't out that is. :)
Love your system of chaining them... some how I don't think that would work for me this summer though... will have over 50 starting from mid July-Sept... Pray for my sanity will you? :)
Cute-o-meter is an understatement!
Love ya
They are so darn cute :)
Makes me wish I was there!!
Sara, I have seen your pens of babies on your blog! They are cute indeed but I imagine it must be quite a chore to feed and care for them. We only have four baby Jerseys right now, although there are a quite a few more Holsteins.
Nita, we all crowd around the window every morning when she feeds them. You would think we had never seen calves fed before, but they are just so funny.
Matt, thanks, love you too kiddo!
Deb, thanks, they are aren't they the little stinkers.
akagaga, it is my favorite part of morning chores! We all watch them being fed every chance we get. lol
Great, I am glad to see Liz again, it has been awhile. I wish we could get together for coffee some morning.
Elizabeth said she wants a job like Liz's when she grows up! So darn cute!
the "cute-o-meter" got maxxed out with them! sweet!
So cute! I love the little calves.
Lisa, me too, believe me.
Dani, The babies would love her I am sure. They are like big brown puppies.
Anon, we laugh at them every morning and night when she feeds them...
WR, thanks, we have a lot of fun with them.
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