Had a thought after reading comments on the married men sticker on the old Case yesterday. Would you believe that that sticker was on the tractor when I met the boss and didn't look much different then than it does now?
Would you believe that we will have been married 24 years next week? Would you believe that that tractor will not run in the winter and ends up sitting where it stalled last all through the cold months very year, so it has not seen the inside of the shed since the guys put in a new PTO a couple years ago? (And then it was only in while they worked on it.)
Why can't the State of New York find glue like that?
Both truck stickers bit the dust long ago...and now the one on the car is creeping down toward the dash and curling its little edges like a girl with a new perm. They should send scientists to analyze the one on the Case.
*****UPDATE: the boss says he remembers distinctly, for certain personal reasons, putting that sticker in place on October 13th, 1974.
And I thought the reason why the registration and inspection stickers where falling off my truck was I left the windows open about 80% of the time it rains.
It's not like anything is damaged by leaving the windows open on a Ford Ranger XT, as everything is plastic inside. I've actually gone in the truck and found it with 6 inches of rain inside.
Those window stickers suck for sure though. I currently have my inspection sticker proped on up with a stress ball and some electrical tape. They'll probably ticketed me for that, claiming it's my fault.
Hmmm. They put the onus on you to get the sticker and spend the money. They'll fine you if it doesn't stick. It's your responsibility to make sure it does, even if it eats into your time to get it handled. I'd bet most people really don't feel like jumping through extra hoops to replace a defective sticker.
Seems like a great revenue enhancer to me!
I think we are talking two diffrent glues here the glue on the sticker for the Case which I agree NYS inspection stickers just suck... and the glue between the two of you for 24 years, congrats, you guys rock, just like my mom and pop, makes my heart sing to know it does work... What do we call it? heart glue, soul glue? as long as you have it doesnt matter what its called, right!
Boy isn't that the truth!!! Congrats to you and hubby. Ours will be 22 this june!!
i've got a "Curly" sticker too...and it's not too old, i think it went on this spring....
i recently went to dmv to register a truck and found out a fact, they don't really like it if you mail your renewals in...they say they don't receive the revenues from it if it's mailed, since it goes to a regional center....i didn't know...i was just passing thru town that day and it would have needed a stamp that i didn't have any of at the moment...so i decided to stop in...but i did have to stand in line for at least 15 minutes to get to the window...so i think i'll buy the stamp and stop wasting my time...maybe it was job security for her to say that...i've never had a problem mailing them in before..even though she said people do...still think it's a job security thing..
AndyA, nope, bad glue. Amazingly they had this problem a few years ago and fixed it....don't know why it is happening again. Ours are held up in various ways, depending on what was in the truck when they fell off.
Jeffro, you know, I hadn't thought of that, but I wouldn't put it past them.
WW, Thank you for such very kind words. It has been quite a trip for sure.
Lisa, 22 good ones for you guys too and it is wonderful. So sad that Matt can't make it home though....
Anon, interesting. I hadn't heard that, but it may be the case. We mail some and take others....it just depends. I sure hate the wait in line though.
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