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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

CAP and Trade

HT to Joated at Compass Points for this painfully true look at carbon trading. Open your wallets folks and get ready to get fleeced!


lisa said...

I think that video should go on the T.V. for commercials!!! Government will be green, money green from our pockets. They will beable to line their walls and floors with the beautiful green stuff. Our walls and floors will be clear because we won't have any to worry about!!

Jeannelle said...

Yes, "cap and trade"....its sounds so innocent. Thanks for the video.

Regular Guy said...

Amen sister, thanks for the video. I'm going to a Tea Party this weekend.

threecollie said...

Lisa, that is a great idea! It really should be on tV, maybe right in the middle of one of the great one's speeches!!

Jeanelle, I wish it would somehow be defeated, but there is a lot of maneuvering in the background to make sure it goes through I am afraid.

RG, I am so glad that people are still doing them even though the media is ignoring them. Keep trying...it is all we can do..