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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Climate Change Bill Bad for America

Typical New York Congressman at work

Seems a lot of people outside the beltway who pay for their own cars and groceries don't think this bill, for the most part unread by the people who are voting for it, is much of a birthday present to our great nation.

Here is a letter to the editor written by a local lady who has always "gotten it". Despite serious illness she recently took the time to instigate some back and forth dialog with the editor of the paper to get this piece printed. I admire her for it. We all should be talking to our newspapers and legislators right now. Even if we agree with this kind of expensive and unproven legislation, seems to me we should ask that it be read before the voting.....Of course I admire this particular lady for most everything, from her fantastic paintings to her spaghetti sauce...and you probably would too if you knew her, but she is so right about this issue.

Anyway this fine lady is comparing the new Climate Bill to the old Cardiff Giant. I'll bet there isn't a one of you local folks of a certain age that didn't get hauled to the Farmer's Museum in Cooperstown to have a look at that famous hoax. You can just figure that Cap and Tax is going to be a money maker of a similar style, but on a staggeringly grander scale. And it will be coming out of your pocket for every single item you buy.

I don't agree with the New York Times that even a seriously flawed climate bill is better than no bill at all....and neither does my wonderful mom. Hope you have a minute to read her letter....thanks....

And, by the way, I write this on a typical April day here at Northview....or maybe even late March. It is 63 degrees, the wind is howling and it has been raining overnight and is going to rain again. We have had such a non summer that the boss does not have a suntan. Can you imagine a farmer in July with no suntan? We still have calf coats on some of the babies. I have washed and put away the winter polar fleece jackets, sweaters, pull overs and hunting coats....in fact, I have washed them and put them at least five times.... by the time it gets summery enough to keep them in the drawer for a while it will be time to get them out again for winter. I am persistent in the wearing of shorts department, because wearing shorts is what I do in the summer...but some days it takes a lot more courage than it ought to...

Anyhow, have a great Fourth of July, each and every one of you. Fireworks tonight...don't forget to crate the doggies.


June said...

I think most legislation, at every level of government, is voted upon unread and unconsidered.
Something's happening to make glaciers melt. Maybe it's just a climate change like the Ice Age.
The fact that both sides of the famous "aisle" are making such political hay out of the vote means to me that they're more concerned with their political gamesmanship and future than with either/any side of the issue.

lisa said...

The earth is changing every day, and no matter how much you try to go green the earth is going to keep changing, just like going from dinosours to the present day. I'm sure that they didn't drive cars and dump garbage, smoke drink you name it. But here we are and there are no dinosours. So, explain that one!! You are not going to keep the earth from changing!! You can try to slow it down but that is all!!! You can go green until you are completely green and the earth is going to keep changing no matter what you do!!!!!!

joated said...

Two things about this POS legislation that really make my blood boil are 1) the temerity of these Representitives to think they can change the climate by controlling CO2, a naturally occurring gas and NOT a pollutant, that has little or no affect upon the temperature and 2) that they should vote on something they have not read an which, actually, had not yet been committed to paper.

All 219 who voted for this POS should be tarred and feathered and then run out of town on a rail.

Jeffro said...

I thought the members of the House of Representatives original intent was to actually represent us. Guess that shows what I know.

Have a great Independence Day, at any rate.

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Dear Three Collie:
You negleted to mention that all the fireworks will be in celebration of your Birthday!

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Dear Three Collie:
You negleted to mention that all the fireworks will be in celebration of your Birthday!

Jan said...

I notice more and more references to the coming Ice Age. Given my choice I'd prefer Warming.

Have a great 4th.

Jeannelle said...

Happy Birthday! What a great day to have a birthday.

Paintsmh said...

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!

threecollie said...

June, it is a terrible thing. These people need to get out in the real world for a bit before they pass such expensive legislation. they saw what higher fuel prices did to the whole world last year and yet here they are volunteering for higher gas prices. crazy.

Lisa, the climate has always changed and probably always will. It just isn't usually so lucrative for a privileged few.

Jaoted, they are crazy...like a fox...bet they all have their hands in the carbon trading till. I can't believe there are some farm organizations praising the bill because they think they are going to make money sequestering carbon...wish I could sell them that bridge I have in Brooklyn!

Jeffro, I guess those days are gone. I am so proud of my mom for sticking to her guns and getting the editor to print her letter.

Mama, love you! They were wonderful. We were surrounded!

Jan, yeah, not a fan of endless winter.

Paints, thanks, sweetie!

blog team said...

Thanks for mentioning the Cardiff Giant! He is, indeed, one of the great original hoaxes and still gets lots of press. In fact, you can see a play featuring The Giant, and the concept of hoaxes this year at the Woodstock Fringe Festival.http://www.woodstockfringe.org/2009Pages/CardiffGiant.htm

here's a blog post about the giant's exploits since his arrival at TFM in the 1940s. Fun stuff!http://thefarmersmuseum.blogspot.com/search/label/Cardiff%20Giant

Rebecca Mecomber said...

The lady wrote a good letter-- brief but very well articulated. Lawdy, what is our country coming too?!

Funny that you mention the Cardiff Giant. I have been thinking of the story recently (and it never occurred to me to compare it to the climate bill; I actually remember the haoxes like peppered moths, PiltDown man, and Heckel's embryos-- all hoaxes), and my youngest son is writing a research paper about it. Comparing the Giant to the climate bill is brilliant!

Nice posts. I haven't visited as frequently, lately, but I really enjoy your blog. :)

Lots of rain these days, no?

Rebecca Mecomber said...

And happy birthday! What a great day to have a birthday-- ya get fireworks!

My birthday is on the same day that New York ratified the U.S. Constitution, in 1789. :D So we're both patriotic! ;)

threecollie said...

Blog team, thanks for dropping by. I can remember my first visit to the Giant as if it were yesterday. It looked even bigger then!

Mrs. M, my mom gets the credit for the letter and the comparison to the giant. I thought it was pretty clever of her too....this bill though, and the fact that no one really even knows what it says...not so clever.