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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

While the Farmer's Away...Tuesday


DayPhoto said...

I just love all the frogs you have there. We are a bit short of frogs here, but we do have toads.


Marti said...

How cute!

We have had so much rain this season that there are giant puddles in the driveway. Couple of weeks ago as we walked down to the mailbox, we saw a bunch of tadpoles in one of the puddles! So I have driven up on the grass to avoid driving through it until they hatched (I'm silly that way - LOL)

Now we can see tons of tiny frogs hopping in and out of the puddle, so I am still driving around it. It sounds like a jungle at night out here with all the little froggies singing!

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

ahh, the frogs are so beautiful! your photos are so professional looking! love the close-ups of all the froggies.

threecollie said...

Linda, I enjoy them too. They grew so big while we were at camp!

Marti, that is so cool! I mean not that you have so much rain, but that the frogs took advantage of your puddle to propagate. Hope things are going better for you.

KK, thanks, they are so tame I can never resist taking pics of them