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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wren on the Front Porch

Chitter, chitter, chittering. There is an English sparrow that loves to torment him by sitting right next to his second nest. I chase it away a dozen times a day just to shut him up. (I hate the darned things too.) I suppose I should get up now and show my scary face at the door but I am feeling too lazy and privileged just now. The thing which we are 99% positive is a willow flycatcher is coming right onto the other porch now to tug at some yarn on a trellis I grew moon flowers on the past few years (they froze in June last summer so I decided not to bother this year.) It is thrilling to see the little thing but it is too leery for me to get a photo.....yet....

Dog in the food bag. Guess he got tired of waiting. Becky, sleeping beauty herself, has taken to getting up before me, turning on my computer, taking the doggies out and making me a cup of perfect coffee, which is steaming gently, awaiting my arrival each morning. I feel as if I have somehow entered an alternate universe.......a very nice one. But I should go feed the dog before he eats the whole bag. He may be blind, deaf and tippy, but he knows how to take care of himself.

Sun up and shining, praise the Lord. The guys filled over forty feet of bag yesterday, more than they have been able to do for weeks. The girls and I milked all the cows so they could stay in the field. We sold one that was terribly mean and nasty this week and I sure didn't miss her when I had to milk my string alone last night. I wasn't thrilled with the price but after talking to folks who were at the sale, it looks like we got lucky and topped the sale with her and two heifers we sent over. I am grateful for that. The latest thing at the cattle auctions is to call a "no sale" and take the animal anyhow. Somebody sure as heck is doing all right at that!

Got the hot sheet from DHIA and our weighted SCC average was just over 100 thousand. Been having some challenges in that area so we were delighted. Nothing bad mind you....it is just that premiums are about the only aspect of our price we can do anything about and we pursue them mightily.

Liz is off to Countryfest today. She won a ticket from WGNA..... so...if any of you local folks are over there and you see her, please keep an eye....that is an awful brouhaha for a young girl to attend alone.


Anonymous said...

You have to love a dog that can take care of itself:)

threecollie said...

Linda, well, only in the dog food department, but I take what I can get. lol