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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ain't Complainin'

About the weather that is. Oh, I could. The first half of the week was blazing hot. Nineties. Sticky humid. Then Tuesday night we got a pop up thunderstorm that did just that.

Pop up I mean. When we went to chores it was gloomy and a little windy. Maybe a rumble of thunder in the distance, but no looming threat. We prepped the first set of cows and got the machines on and since the thunder was getting just a tad more emphatic I walked over to the house to unplug the computers. (Which Becky had already unplugged.)

By the time I walked to the office, via the dining room, which is where they are, and back to the door the wind was howling, laying the bushes and shrubs right down and lashing the trees like crazy. The rain began to pelt down so hard it made a din you wouldn't believe. And the Thunder Rolled.

I collected an umbrella and some hats for me and the girls and waited on the back porch wondering if I should try to get back to milking. Usually whenever someone is stranded at the house by bad weather we all figure they should stay there until it lets up. Still, they had just started milking.
And Alan had gone up to the thirty acre lot to pick up a tractor and a forage wagon. He wasn't back yet when I left.

So I decided to run for it.
I don't do run you know.
Not built for it.
Bad knee.
All the usual excuses. However, I ran that night for all I was worth. It was raining so hard the umbrella was completely useless. Lightning was flashing on all sides. It was quite an incentive to hustle I'll tell you. I kept wiggling the umbrella trying to convince the lightning that it would be too hard to hit a moving target for it to bother.

It was a big relief to make it to the barn and find Alan had arrived safely. I was completely drenched but unfried. We got back to work, watching a torrent building in the roadway and the heifers trying to walk on water in a new puddle. It isn't a lot of fun to milk in a thunderstorm, but we have surely seen worse.
So please understand...I am NOT complaining

It is hot. It is humid. It hasn't exactly been the best summer ever and all....However, we really shouldn't complain about the weather.

Really we shouldn't


lisa said...

That was good! But you know that weather is not far off!! It will be here before you know it! I keep trying to let Matt know that we have lots to do before that kind of weather hits!!!

joated said...

Nope, no sense complaining. Can't change it (or the climate) anyhoo.

On the other hand, it's certainly worth noticing and commenting upon. One of those magical workings of the creator and all that.

Anonymous said...

it certainly has been a crazy-weather summer!

if you believe in folk tales...the first frost should hit the mohawk valley near the end of fair week...i know i just make your day...right?

i'm crying too as i type...:(

Anonymous said...

sorry for the typo...."Made your day"...must've been the tears!

Dani said...

That is a whole lotta snow! Burrrrrr!

DayPhoto said...

Right at first I thought that was hail instead of snow. Hot, hot weather here, turns into hail!

Glad everyone was/is safe. I'll bet the cows were a bit wet, steamy and spookie.


Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

Thanks for the reality check! LOL

Tawny said...

I love how God packed summer into one week. I dont like winter though. I prefer summer. The sticky stuff I can deal without. You can just tell how hot it was. The haze and everything. :) OH! I fixed my comments. So if you want to leave comments you can. :)

Earl said...

Nice run in the rain, except for the umbrella I seem to have been somewhere doing that once upon an ago or so.

The hunter in the snow is a good shot, and something to look forward to, too.

threecollie said...

Lisa, it is coming...all too soon

Joated, it has been worth discussion this summer for sure!

anon, it really has and I sure do hope they are wrong though. I've seen it freeze Fonda Fair week when I was a kid and it was pretty awful

Dani, not looking forward to it in the least.

Linda, you can tell you've been through it. lol and they were indeed

WW, sorry about that...not exactly motorcycle weather in those two shots.

Tawny, I hate winter...don't know why I live in Upstate NY...

EArl, you can actually run too...which is quite impressive. The hunter is Alan and he is looking forward wildly to deer season.