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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Expert Has Spoken

Thanks to everyone for an interesting dialog on the Glen Beck Cash for Clunkers story yesterday.

Kim Komando, the digital goddess, addressed it on her blog yesterday and you can read about it here.

And here is her conclusion:

Personally, I think this is an example of what happens when lawyers aren’t properly supervised. This language is just so over the top."


DayPhoto said...

Chuckle, snort, laugh out loud!


Jan said...

Has anyone asked if the people who receive the money for the car will have to pay taxes on it? That could put some into a higher tax bracket

threecollie said...

Linda, amazing stuff isn't it?

Jan, good point and one I hadn't heard yet. I feel like we have all slipped through the looking glass into a strange world where the inmates are running the asylum. I don't much like it here.