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Monday, August 31, 2009

Sorta Back to Normal

Things are kinda, sorta, back to normal after a week when our youngest border collie, Nick, nearly died from eating an illicit chicken, and the cat, Elvis, nearly passed on from a hairball infestation. We also drove to Potsdam, had several inches of pounding rain, and went generally crazy every day....There were other stories too, harder and sadder than anything here, but not mine to tell.

The stupid chicken flew over a 6-foot chain link fence to offer herself up to Nick. How could he refuse? And of course, from the evidence left in the run, she was one of the ones that is laying eggs. I have no idea what eating raw, boneful, featherous chicken does to a nine year old dog who normally consumes only dog food, but I can tell you it isn't good. At one point he would only stand up to go outside if I begged him.

We nursed him tenderly, even went so far as to dose him with the cat's hairball medicine. Tablespoons full of raw beef. Rice and milk. Checking in the middle of the night. Beaucoup de petting. I am right fond of that dog. He is such a bad boy that he has to spend a lot of time in the kennel, because killing Mike his high on his agenda and all the cats are just a little lower on the list. On the other hand he is obedient and eager to please and sweet and great company when he isn't raising Hell.

At any rate he stood up from what looked like his last and ate a couple of bites of dog food Thursday. By Saturday he ASKED to go to his run to get some exercise and bark at cats. Today he seems completely normal and is eating ravenously to make up for lost time, snapping up bites from Mike's dish on his way out the door.

Please, chickens, you have hundreds of acres to scratch around on...stay OUT of the kennel.

Elvis is mending too.....despite my inept application of hairball medicine and several set backs.

Now we just have to get used to Becky being gone and Alan back to class

Oh, and the fair opens tomorrow too.


Paintsmh said...

At least there are no cows going :(

Dani said...

Oh no! Poor thing must have been in such god awful pain from the chicken! He's a lucky one for sure.

Jan said...

Glad to hear Nick is on the mend. As smart and wonderful as dogs are, you will have better luck communicating a warning to the chickens than to a dog.

R.Powers said...

I'm never amazed anymore at anything a chicken does, unless it is smart.
Glad the pup and cat are okay!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Crazy chicken....committed suicide! gah!

Sure hope your pooch feels better soon.....has he burped up any feathers yet?
(I know...that was bad. I'm sorry!)


lisa said...

Boy, if it isn't one thing it is another! Never a dull moment up on that hill!

alan said...

WHAT????? becky is gone???? i never noticed....

Anonymous said...

ha ha alan...very funny!

how come no cows to the fair?

and..poor puppy...and it was a producer too!...no more "eggs"-tra omelets at northview!

threecollie said...

Paints, alas, but with this weather, at least you won't be freezing on the wash rack.

Dani, I don't know what was wrong, but he sure was a sick boy.

Jan, You are probably right...silly things

FC, true, although Princess Laya does pretty good at hiding her nests.

Laughing Orca, now I have a picture in my head of a cartoon of Sylvester going after Tweetie and doing just that. lol

Lisa, it is never dull, that is true....like a soap opera with animals

alan, oddly enough I did...often

anon, we only entered one and she managed to come down with pneumonia for Altamont and a lame foot now. Guess she likes the home life..

DayPhoto said...

Goodness, dinner delivered on the fly!


CTG Ponies said...

Sounds like a busy and hectic time around the farm!

Paul said...

Glad to hear nick is ok. Sounds like it was a rough time for him!

Anonymous said...

My I've missed a lot going on around here. I hope you won't miss Becky too much, happy anniversary to the folks and I'm glad to hear Nicks on the mend. Chickens and B.C. just don't mix..............neither to cats and B.C. most of the time:)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Uffda..fresh chicken uncooked..recipe for a bad belly ache..glad to hear Nick has recovered..they can get really sick.. Chance ate a small bird once..he was so sick.. a barfing pooping mess:(

threecollie said...

Linda, wish it had been more like fast food than too slow food, alas

CTG, getting real crazy these days for sure...doesn't even seem to slow down on Sunday any more

Paul, thanks, I genuinely thought we would lose him. And I am so grateful that we didn't

Linda, thanks, and thanks....you would think the chickens would be smart enough not to fly over a six-foot fence...oh, wait a minute, they are chickens. lol

Far Side, it was the weirdest thing. Except for lethargy and weight loss he had no symptoms at all...oh, and not eating. He is completely back to normal now..