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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cow in the Road

And I swerve to the left.

Well, actually it was goats in the road and we just followed the herd, the folks doing the herding and the police car up 67 until they got to their farm and turned off. Could have been a disaster I guess, but it was amusing for Liz and me in an otherwise not so entertaining day.

We were on our way back from the hospital where mom has been admitted. Her chemo is not going well and prayers would be much appreciated.

We asked Alan to run the long distance errand we had planned so we were free to go to the hospital. He willingly obliged but in all the excitement of hearing about his grandma, he heard Gardinier's (dairy supply) as Granger's (other parts and motors) and ended up many miles beyond Little Falls, kinda lost-ish. He managed to figure out where he went wrong after a bit, but by then Gardinier's was closed so he didn't get the part.

I guess Liz and I will go again today, as it is the drain trap for the pipeline washer and pretty essential to operations.


joated said...

I once came over a rise on a little country road in southeastern Idaho to find the road totally and completely blocked by a herd of 2-300 sheep. Not crossing, following the road through an intersection. All I could do to keep from laughing out loud as the dogs and shepherds did their thing for half and hour. The sheep did not want to cooperate and at times it was like a Chinese fire drill.

Around here (PA and NY), it's usually cows. But the occasional sheep and escape artis goat will cause you to put the breaks on right quick.

I sincerely hope things improve with your Mom ASAP.

Alan's error is easily understood. The supplier's names are very similar and he's probably been to both for parts in the past.

joated said...

Heh, "herd", "flock" same difference.

Dani said...

Keeping your mom in our thoughts and prayers. :)

When I was little, we had a farm down the hollow from us and the cows were always escaping. They would just hang out in the road like it was were they were supposed to be. To my little kid brain, I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Keeping your mom in our thoughts and prayers - and you all too.

DayPhoto said...

You and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers!!!


Carol said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mom...

R.Powers said...

I hope your Mom improves. Sorry to hear she is sick.

The Wife said...

Thoughts and prayers for your mom.

Goats are real good at escaping their pens. PBR bull got out of the pen this weekend in MO. Hit a few cars in the parking lot before he was roped. I think I would rather come across goats!

Sandcastle Momma said...

We're saying extra prayers for your Mom!

nyvolfan said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with your Mom and entire family.

Jen and Scott

threecollie said...

Joated, that must have been amazing. Sheep are like herding cats sometimes...not that easy...depends on the sheep I guess...and we forgave Alan...after a while. His dad went and got the part today so Liz and I could catch up on the home front

Dani, thanks for your kind words...
The grass is always greener thing was written about cows I guess. lol

Nita, thanks so much. I do believe that it helps a lot

LInda, thank you as well. I am a firm believer that it makes a big difference

Carol, thank you

FC, thanks, she is a lot better today

The Wife, thanks....Liz wants the details on the PBR bull!

SCMOmma, I really appreciate it. Thanks

Scott and Jen, thanks so much guys. It was a real shocker when she got sick so fast....

To all: thank you for your great kindness in word, thought and prayer. Mom was much better today and may come home tomorrow. This is a long row she is having to hoe, but the caring and prayer of friends, family and thoughtful strangers is like having an extra pair of hands.
Thank you again

Anonymous said...

Will be praying from here too!!

OneCowgirl said...

I am sorry about your mother. I believe there is a cure for cancer but there is so much money in the "treatment" of the awful wretched disease that its a conspiracy.
Sorry to hear about Buddy too. I am sending you hugs!!

threecollie said...

LInda, thanks, she was a lot better when she came home from the hospital..hopefully that will last

OneCowGirl, thanks so much for your kindness. It really means a lot to us