We don't dare come see you because we are all still sick, but we will be thinking of you and will call.
Love you!!!
Hope you have a great day!
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Happy Birthday, Mom! We are thinking about you and love you lots. Hope you feel better threecollie and any other family members not feeling well!
Thanks, Lisa, just a nasty fall cold making its way through the family, but we don't dare go around mom. Have a good one.
Happy Birthday to your Mom.
Hope y'all get to feeling better soon. :)
happy birthday to 3c's mom!
we've got the same fall ick too!
been great ALL yr long, now this!
i think our flu shot from last yr is expiring...how did it know?...hmmm...
Happy Birthday!
And get well wishes to Northview :)
Happy Birthday to your Mom! And I hope all of you get well soon!
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mom!!!
And a wellness tip... this does work so don't laugh. Take a 1/4 -1/2 t. of baking soda and put it in a glass of orange juice (beware of foaming action). This does work even though no one believes me! :)
Hope your Mom has a great day!
And the rest of you get well soon.
Happy Birthday to your Mom.
I read this in the paper today and thought it might interest you. In Ciney, Belgium the farmers have dumped 790,000 gallons of milk in protest of low European milk prices. There was a picture of trucks dumping it in fresh plowed fields. This came from the associated press.
Happy birthday! Good of you to not take germs along. Hope you all feel better!
Hope you all get well real quick!
happy birthday MOM!!!!
Love ya
Happy birthday to the world's coolest bookish grandma!!!
And yes mother I was a good child and called her. She sounded good. She thought I was Tawny! I now have four voice twins!! We're quads!!!! LOL
Dani, thanks, I think she had a nice day
anon, thanks, it sure is nasty isn't it? Not sick enough not to work but sick enough to wish you didn't have to.lol
Nita, thanks on both counts
Linda, thank you double as well
Sara, thank you and thanks for the health tip. I may need it
Joated, thank you twice and very much
Anon, thanks, there is a pic somewhere of dozens of liquid tankers spreading milk on French farm fields. Maybe that is what it will take. Our lender told us it was good that we only milk a few cows just now. The more you milk the more you lose.
FC, thanks, and thanks
Callie, thanks
Mappy, one of the two best brothers...and sons...in the world
You are much loved I know
Breezey, good girl! I love you!
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