(Please scroll down for Macro Monday)
Something folks whose only contact with large animals is Disney often don't understand is that large animals can and will hurt you.
Sometimes in horribly, final ways.
Sometimes in ways that are painful as heck, but not serious and only make people point and laugh at you.
Yesterday Alan went to a Yankees game with his big brother and family and friends (ask him what he was doing when their moment of fame with the TV cameras came...he's a guy is all I can say). He was home in time for most of milking and of course he was regaling us with tales of his great day.
Just as I was putting the milking machine on Becky's show cow Lemonade he was telling me about a particularly dramatic home run.
I looked up at him.
Wham! Lemmie nailed me square in the nose with a swing of her long, hard tail. A cow's tail has a lot in common with a baseball bat. It is hard as heck, swings in an arc, and has an amazing lot of force behind it. I hopped out of that stall holding my nose and hurtin' for certain.
When I took my hands off my face Alan said, "Mom, I think it's broken. Your nose normally looks exactly like mine and it doesn't now."
Great. I was the only one of the four of us still at home who never got their nose broken by a cow. I was not thrilled to join the majority. At least it was only the tip involved. Liz has had the top of her nose broken by flailing tails more than once and the boss's is a bit bent by too many baseball games as a catcher. Guess a cow got Alan worse then me too.
Still, I hated the thought of going through life with the end of my nose flattened. Call it foolish vanity for someone my age, but I liked my nose the way it was.......before.
Anyhow I went out in the milkhouse, took a hold of the end of the poor thing and pinched.
Crunch. Things snap, crackle popped and when I went back out for inspection everyone agreed that my nose looked like it is supposed to again. It's kinda tender this morning but I am grateful to recognize myself in the mirror. Dang Lemmie anyhow.
Of Childhood
10 hours ago
Ouch! I once caught a horse's head full in the nose, and it wasn't pretty. Well, I guess it was if you're into purples and greens.
I cannot believe, though, that you pinched it! I was weeks before I'd even wash my face!
But..but..but...Cows are suposed to be such placid creatures! Yeah! Right!
Hey! At least it sounds like you weren't dripping blood every where. And no black eyes?
That said, "Ouch!" seems to be the appropriate comment.
Feel better.
You are one strong woman...or crazy....haven't figured it out yet!
hey she's a farmer's wife...nothing more needs to be said! lol
i'm certain it hurt, been there, done that, but i don't think i ever broke a nose, a foot once, but not a nose! but i've had more than my share of swatting tails to the head...oh and the one with the sh*t balls on them...OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have a great monday northview!
Well....must say,you LOOK OK!
Now, if that were ME!!!!!!! It would be enough for at least a week of 'special care needed' from 'er indoors. You shouldn't be so hard on yerself!
Holy sheep! I would never in a million years think the tail had that much power behind it. And to pinch it back....you must have been seeing stars.
OWWWWWWWWWWWW......I do know how that feels and it's painful. I hope it heals quickly and you feel better soon.
I've never had my nose broken - I always seem to get the very end of her tail in my eye - smarts for sure.
my eyes started to water...I had my nose broken, but it was by my brother on the school bus, have been swatted by many a cow tail, with the little ball's of petrified cow dung on the end and that smarted enough, been run up the wall of a barn by a crazy mad cow that didnt want me rescuing her calf from drowning in the pool a crap she decided to deliver her in, had one fall on me while I was trying to pull a calf..nothing like a cow butt in your face with two feet sticking out, not to mention the slime that is dripping on you... cant believe I kept going back for more...Do you have two black eyes to go with your swollen nose?? where is the pic?
Disney has also convinced people that squirrels and raccoons will help set up their tents and bears will give welcoming hugs.
akagaga, ouch! Mine was no where near that bad...thankfully!!
Joated, oh, yeah, they are sweeties. lol, no black eyes, no gore, just a fat, sore nose..and thanks
Colleen, crazy, definitely crazy. lol
anon, yeah, been there and done that too. As old as I am that was a first for the nose and I have no desire for a rerun...even though mine wasn't as bad as some
Dickiebo, oh, I did my share of whining. Couldn't say too much as everybody else had done worse and gone on working. lol
Dani, I really was. I have even had a mild concussion from being whacked by tails in the past. They are like a thick, knotted rope...only harder
Jeffro, yup
Deb, oh, yeah the tail in the eye..ouch! And even though the sloppy ones don't hurt as much...dang..
WW, Holy...well....holy cow! That must have been terrible! I have had them tip over on me when milking but not with the whole calf thing going on. No black eyes, just a fat sore nose
Jan, yes, yes, and barnyard animals talk and plot and plan...wait a minute! Maybe that part IS true. If so Lemmie is gloating right now. lol
Oooh and ouch! I've broken my nose a couple of timnes. First time I went to the doctor. Second time I put it back in the middle of my face myself (just like he did the first time). Crunch is right. Aaack, so sorry for you!
Poor mommy! I love you. Sorry my baby doesn't feel the same way!
Ouch!! The Bossman had the same thing happen and "fixed" it himself too:(
Obviously this post demands a photo!!! Go back and do it again.
I would never have thought that a *tail* could do that! Hooves, yeah.
You are one strong willed woman to bang your nose back into place!
Oh man, you are one tough cookie!!
TEri, this was just a little break...enough to make me feel sorry for the folks who really get nailed. Sure is a tender part of the anatomy though. Swelling is almost gone today. Thanks for your kind words
Becky, Bay got me today, but not as bad...just enough to tick me off. Love you too!!!
Linda, I went 57 years before I joined the broken nose club...lol
Steve, I am sure Lemmie would be delighted to help! lol
June, it wasn't too bad..considering. Just a little pop. I was glad it was so easy as I kind of prefer my nose in its original state.
CTG, thanks for saying so...but really I am kind of a wienie. lol
Boy, I don't know if I could have done that! But good for you! And maybe I could....
Oh no! I'm glad you got it back in place. Just so you don't feel alone, I've broken mine on the farm too.
It was when Francisco, our Husky-wolf, grabbed me from behind to..er..'dominate' me..and having been in the process of walking my body continued forward without my feet, slamming my face and nose into a welded pole gate.
Linda, I'll bet you could have. It wasn't that bad...actually felt a lot better once it was back in place.
FW, oh dear, that must have just been awful! I am cringing just thinking of it!
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