In Belgium. But folks are getting pretty unhappy here too. We have had three different industry representatives here this week, from banking, feed and grain, and the milk cooperative, and they have all painted a grimmer picture than the worst I have ever told you here.
Especially the latter fella and he is in the know, up close and personal. He talks to farmers all over the region every day....He told us about so many farms selling out that he knows of, one after another, and so many more that never even planted their fields this year...just grazed the cows on all the land and they are selling when the grass is gone. With beef prices so low and CWT dumping thousands of healthy dairy cows and heifers into the meat market, I wonder what they will get for their herds. Not much I suspect.
You should really click that link and look at the photo with the story. It made such an impression on me, that, having forgotten where I first saw it, I thought about it for a couple of days before doing some searching to find it and posting the link. I don't expect that you will ever see such a thing here....but it certainly is something.
March 11 art - Sit Spot #1649 - March 11, 2025
6 hours ago
Milk prices are down world wide.
Here where I live, milk is going for two dollars a gallon in the grocery stores.
Hope and Change? what a load of crap.
AKA, thanks for visiting and for taking time to comment. Still three bucks a gallon here, about three times as much s the farmer gets. Thanks for the link!
My roots are in small farms, dairys and logging, with some commercial fishing thrown in.
I can identify with much of what you talk about and the plight of the small business person. I have watched our freedoms being stripped from us for over half a century. Over regulation is no accident, it is a concerted effort to give government the power to force compliance, and by it's very definition, a compliant populace is not a free populace.
I stop by and read your post on a daily basis, I find your views interesting and insightful and don't often reply because it isn't necessary.
Thanks for posting this, 3C. A couple things in the article really ticked me off.
First, they make it sound like farmers are "protected," so what are they complaining about?
Second, this quote:
"I understand their emotions," EU Farm Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel said of Wednesday's milk protest. "It is a human reaction."
Like earning enough to live on is an EMOTIONAL issue???
I want to slap her!!! Whap, whap, whap!!! There now. I'd feel better if I didn't believe that small farmers, here and there, will soon be regulated right out of business. And I agree with AKA - it's no accident.
AKA, thank you for being a reader and for taking time to comment. This is a frustrating and challenging time we live in, for people who are used to taking care of themselves. I get pretty discouraged pretty often
akagaga, the smugness of them! They have forgotten that food doesn't just pop up in the store and they don't even care
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