You won't see words like this on Northview.
Of Childhood
6 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Lotsa class.
We surely wouldn't expect to! lol.
I think that would be the modern rendering of what was translated into English as "fool" in the warning of Matthew 5:22.
We are in trouble. Really big is just so sad.
Reminds me of when George Bush thought the microphone was off and called a certain reporter that same word. And Dick Cheney agreed with him. Lotsa class, guys!
Greg Lyons
If I said they were "uppity" - just like the mantle Jones assumed, wouldn't that mean I'm racist? I'm so confused these days.
Jan, yeah, you used to expect better, but now...
Dickiebo, I'm glad you don't. lol
Anon, you could be right
Linda, I agree very much
Greg, all in the same boat huh?
Jeffro, we are all racists every time we disagree with anything whatsoever....
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