Must go out to milk now and take Beck back to college.
Do not want to.
Of Childhood
7 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
I feel for you, I hate the thought of going to work this morning. It is getting harder and harder to get up to go to the job, would rather stay home and weave than go to work and weave! Safe trip!
Ugh! I feel for you. The dark mornings make it so hard to get up.
I hear you, I dont want to take Samantha back either... Have a safe drive and enjoy the chat time. Its gonna be a long day with you milking this morning.
Definitely going to be a long one for you. Lots of coffee!
((Hugs)) You girls be safe out there.
Sorry I spent most of the trip sound asleep...
Lisa, thanks, we did, although we drove through snow and snow mixed with rain most of the day. Oh, and the front brakes went out...
Colleen, I hate em, just hate em. I love high summer when the sun is up around four and it never seems to quite get dark
WW, it was so incredibly sweet while she was home!
SC Momma, lots of coffee! Lots of snow too alas
Dani, thanks, we made it, luckily. Today the car is in the shop getting new rotors and brake pads...
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