Do click and zoom. This is an incredible store and we were so glad we stopped. Two floors of all things Adirondack. They even have those little balsam fir incense thingies my grandma used to buy when we were kids. It was like stepping back in time!
And check out that center pic...guess who's home for the holiday!
She must be home!!! :)
enjoy your thanksgiving with the family!
Hoss' and Old Forge Hardware ("The Adirondacks Most General Store")are two of my favorite stops in the center of the 'Dacks.
I worked at the Sabattis Boy Scout Camp just north of Long Lake for three summers and would shop at Hoss' once or twice a week.
Old Forge Hardware:
What a great store - I could spend hours and lots of dollars there.
I hope ya'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I wish we could of took you up! I would of loved going to the store!
I don't go north without stopping there, 3C. Been going there since I was a little kid.
And joated is right. The store in Old Forge is great, too.
anon, she is, I am so happy! You have a great one too, thank you
Joated, that must have been so cool for a summer job. We had never stopped there before. We rarely go that far north. What a delightful, wonderful, really cool place!
SCMomma, you have a great holiday too, thank you. We were simply delighted by the place. What fun!
Lisa, we were wishing we could have done it with you too. It is such an amazing trip, most of the way (kinda dull after Tupper Lake) and it would have been fun to talk
akagaga, it was a first for us, but so much fun. Next time I am going to get some of that balsam fir stuff. It takes me on an instant trip back to my grandma and grandpa's house!
Someday, when I am old and super grey,
I'm going to travel and come your way.
I going to stop and pause awhile, shoot the breeze
and share a smile.
I see what you see and touch what you touch.
Thank you so much for this delightful little trip!
LInda, wish you could come along on that trip. It is so amazing even when you are sick and tired of making the drive. Those mountains may be small but they are spectacular just the same.
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