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Friday, November 13, 2009


We have a George too.
HT to Jeff at Alphecca.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    ohh, she's a sweetheart :)

    hey do have any obama and michelle's yet?..i won't say what i think they should be on your farm! lol!

  2. OMG! What a beauty! Maybe Laura might like a vacation to Florida to meet her chicken cousins. ;)

  3. What a darling! Can she come over and play?


  4. how cute and fluffy!

  5. Schadenfreude much? If only more saw the light. W was too loose with the purse strings for my tastes, but there is no doubt he and Laura are a class act.

    The photo op TOTUS and the Klingon haven't a clue.

  6. Anon, thanks, it is such a delight to watcher her do anything at all...like a fat little lady in a fluffy hoop skirt. And on the naming...I must invoke the Fifth Amendment on that topic. lol

    Dani, I am sure considering our weather that she would love to visit your pretty ladies! thanks

    Linda, I'll bet she would love to, thanks

    Michelle, thanks, lotsa feathers on our Lucy

    Jeffro, as each day passes we are all both stunned and appalled, over and over and over again. We have little recourse however, but to name our poultry creatively.
