Channel 9 is saying that this plan may be scrapped. Something about millions of ticked off drivers, a lot of very unhappy DMV workers, facing the prospect of taking care of those millions of ticked off drivers in addition to their regular work....Alas, you know and I know (and Cumptico-Calico) that our good gov and his cronies in Albany will just stick their hands in our other pocket so they can go on spending like fools. Still this plan had egregious written all over it. I hope they do dump it.
Of Childhood
1 hour ago
Good...I have to say I have been pretty bent at the thought of having to give NY state another fee... I mean its not like the numbers are falling off or anything. Speaking of under the radar taxes...I just got our rates for health insurance for our company 16.5 rate hike, due to a new tax on the insurance companies earlier this year from NY State that the companies are now passing on to us.
I so agree with you on a previous statement... When times are hard..they ARE hard!
We all just have to try and hang in there and vote out as many duther heads as we can. The problem is we will probably vote in a different type. SIGH!!!!
Wouldn't it be nice if lawmakers could use all that creativity to solve problems instead of finding new ways of raising taxes and fees?
Dream on...
wow..they finally listened..think they'll keep listening?
WW, taxes in this state are insane. We just finished paying our school tax and it about broke us
LInda, that is so sadly probably true
Jan, yes, it would be...however they do not face the problems we peons face and they have no need or concern with solving them.
Joated, there are a handful of good folks there still...alas it is a pretty small handful
anon, nothing like this stupid plan EVER dies, sadly....they just bring it up later when they hope you aren't watching.
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