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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

If I Haven't Had Much to Say

Things have been so crazy here..... Just no time to get it all down. Been fighting for three months with the ISP/cable/phone company over some incorrect billing they perpetrated on us. Got to the point of contacting the Attorney General and the Public Service Commission over that situation.

They turned off all our stuff Sunday, which was nasty.....thank God Liz has a cell phone... I guess that situation may be, possibly, could be, I hope, I hope, resolved now. I would not be exaggerating if I told you that in the past three months I have spent at least five hours on hold and been hung up on disconnected more times than I can count. Had I not carefully written down everything that was promised to me when we first took the deal to get the service with the speedy birdie logo, and logged the time, date, content, and the name of the employee I was being bamboozled by for every one of the multitudinous, increasing acrimonious calls I made, I would have been left paying twenty bucks more a month than I was promised.....and as far as that goes I still don't actually have a corrected bill in my hand....

We took Becky back to Potsdam to finish out the semester Sunday. Bringing her home and back took two whole days. I own a run down little cabin in the Adirondacks, no power or running water and not on any lake or anything...just a little shanty stuck in the woods. Alan and I both had that odd tingly, spidey sense that we should visit on the way home Sunday. So we did.

The cabin isn't really ON the way home as far as that goes, but we wanted some balsam fir boughs and there are firs there so....we took the long, winding, miserable run across the Bleeker Benson road and stopped in.

Good thing we did. Somebody had broken out one of the big back windows to get inside. Alan climbed in too as we didn't have the keys with us. No sign of damage and nothing missing that he saw, which is amazing. It has been burglarized before and usually the results are somewhat different.

Have I ever told you about the time thieves broke in and stole all the light bulbs and every other thing that wasn't nailed down? They also took one of those huge, cabinet style record player, stereo, radio sets that were popular along about in the late seventies. I am talking FURNITURE here. I'll bet it weighed as much as a Volkswagen. It was up a cramped and nervous-making narrow little open stairway, in the loft style upstairs bedroom. We would have moved it out ourselves but for the daunting thought of getting it down those stairs.

That and the fact that it hadn't worked in years.
(Thanks guys for getting it out of there for us.)

This time Alan picked up a few things that were lying around that had been left behind, including a nice old iron frying pan, which I will use to cook out at camp (Pecks that is) next summer. He will have to get back up there with his buddy and board up the broken window....oh, and we did get some fir boughs.


Pablo said...

My father-in-law had a rural cabin like yours that was broken into. Nothing messed up, but I think a pair of binoculars and a knife were taken. He decided to sell the cabin soon after that. Now I have a cabin in the woods and I worry about the same thing.

~ Sara ~ said...

I dream of something like that... Some place to just get away from it all...

Sorry someone broke in, but thank the Lord there was no damage.

Dani said...

Oh no! That is just crazy!! Lots of hugs and kisses to you all.

Mean people really do suck!!

Dani said...

Pablo, I'm so happy for you and Libby about the cabin. It's a beauty!

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

Why bust a window? I agree with the comment above... Mean people suck!

Sandcastle Momma said...

We have a little plot of land in the woods and would love a little cabin but know we'll have to deal with a lot of break ins so we continue to tent camp there. Too bad people can't leave stuff alone.

DayPhoto said...

Sorry for you about the cabin! That's horrible. I'm glad there wasn't damage.


Jan said...

Good for you for staying with the inaccurate billing. I think when people just give up and pay the wrong amount it encourages them to screw over the next customer.

Anonymous said...

Good thing for your "spidey sense"!

Anonymous said...

it's terrible about the cable/phone billing trauma..i can believe it tho..co's are horrible at doing this, they twist everything around!

and it's rotten how people don't have any respect for property that's not theirs...why can't they leave it alone, if it doesn't belong to them!! grrrrrrrrrrrr..

threecollie said...

Pablo, I read what you wrote about leaving yours open and I do get the concept. We really can't do that with ours as it is nearly in a town and would never be unoccupied. At least no harm was done.

Sara, alas, it is a miserable little place, right on the highway. We don't go there much.

Dani, it has happened so many times I really wasn't all that upset about it...just a minor irritation. The whole thing with the cable company was, on the other hand all-consumingly awful. Thanks

WW, I can't figure it out. Why break in and do nothing? Maybe they needed a couch to crash on or something. At least only the window is broken. I can live with that.

SC Momma, I know exactly what you mean. we don't even use this cabin as it is not so very appealing with no water and too close to civilization to feel like camping

Linda, thanks, it was okay, just a pain in the neck. If they had wrecked the place...then it would have been bad

Jan, the things you learn. The things you have to do. I have been deceived by communications companies so darned many times that I wrote down EVERY LITTLE DETAIL of every call and offer. Had I not I would have been out of luck. As it was I was treated in such a cavalier manner as to make me mad and frustrated as heck. Still not completely out of the woods as I only have a promise...another promise...not a corrected bill in hand. My advice to anyone dealing with phone cable or Internet companies...TAKE DOWN NAMES!

Linda, isn't it odd? We both wanted to go over there and normally we don't even think about it.

Anon, as I said to Jan, I have been abused by so many misleading offers from communications companies that I write down and question every thing they say or offer...and still I end up in a mess like this. There are whole departments at the Attorney General's Office and the Public Service Commission entirely dedicated to complaints about cable companies, phone companies and Internet Service Providers. Whole departments staffed by our tax dollars aimed at trying to keep those crooks in line. It is mind boggling to me.