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Monday, December 14, 2009

What Do You Give

BEFORE the storm yesterday

The girl who has everything....except enough feed to go through the winter?

It has been such a bad year here. The boss was still haying two weeks ago as we had rain almost continuously since last May....and still there isn't enough out there in the ag bags...now we have snow and there will be no more.

So my dear younger brother and his kind wife bought...and delivered...eleven huge bales of baleage for us yesterday. It was snowing and then freezing, soaking rain, and Lisa is sick with a nasty cold...but they still worked out in the weather to get that feed to us. They also took the time to drive back home...and they don't live close by any means...to pick up Matt's homemade, but really cool three-point-hitch fork lift attachment when our skid steer proved unequal to the task of unloading. So Alan got them off Matt's friend's trailer after a while....

Last night Liz and Alan and I tore open a bale and unwound it and fed a couple of wheelbarrows to the girls.

They devoured it. I went around after milking and fed an armful to each of the high producers and they devoured that too.
I was happy to know that they had that good stuff to fill them up.

Thanks guys! What you did was well and above and beyond the call of duty. I am very thankful and so are our ladies. That went right to the top of the list of the best Christmas presents ever!


Deb said...

What a wonderful and generous gift. Folks who do not tend animals can't imagine the worry of running out of feed. I hope that gives you all piece of mind for awhile.
You have a great family!

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

Family is by far our best salvation. I know I would be lost with out my family near and far…
You are blessed.

Dani said...

Oh WOW! What a wonderful family you have!

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

What a thoughful gift at such a difficult time.

Your family is the greatest :)

Jinglebob said...

After reading her blog, I thought she was good people!


lisa said...

We love you guys a lot and we sure want to make sure our farmers keep going! We love Al's help so much and seeing him is great! We are glad we could help!

DayPhoto said...

WOW! Family and Friends forever! That is just perfect. It's terrible to not be able to get feed and to have to purchase HIGH $$ feed when it's right there, if you could just get it in...but then Christmas came.



Mappy said...

fred had fun seeing you guys on your home turf. the hay was easy. the tears in my eyes righ now are hard love ya wish we could do more to help. another load next week. (bedding though)
Love as always

Anonymous said...

wow, that was so sweet of them. ..and i'm sure next weeks bedding will be equally appreciated!

you've got a wonderful family, not that you didn't already know it!!!

~ Sara ~ said...

It made me want to cry... who knows I might yet... :)

threecollie said...

Deb, it meant so much in peace of mind. I do have a great family and I sure do love them

WW, that is so true. I can't and don't want to imagine life without any of them

Dani, they are great, I love them

Nita, I am so grateful right now...I just can't describe it.

FC, the best

JB, they are amazing folks. They are not just good to me, they treat everybody with the most amazing care you can imagine...real good people

Lisa, well there will never be a way I could thank you enough, but thank you anyhow. Alan loves coming up to your place too. He has a great time....and he sure does like the way you feed him. lol

Linda, it is the best thing...we have had the worst weather I have ever seen. I don't think we will grow corn at all next year. Too darned much rain

Matt, you guys are the best. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart
And it sure was cool to show you my shorties.
Love you...and welcome to the wonderful world of Facebook

anon, they are the greatest

Sara, it is amazing what will pull you out of the darkest days. I have been so depressed I have about given up. This thing that they did brought so much peace and joy to my heart...probably you can understand better than anybody else who reads here what it is like to be a small farmer in the business climate from Hell...it was so nice to have something good to give the girls yesterday. It is like the first positive thing in so many months..

Farmchick said...

What a great family you have to give you such a great gift when needed the most!! :)

threecollie said...

Farm Chick, it was extraordinary kindness and I just can't thank them enough

Anonymous said...

It's nice to have such a great and caring family!

The Wife said...

That was one of the most thoughtful gifts I have come across in a very long time! What great family!

threecollie said...

LInda, it is truly a wonderful thing right now. Liz is out feeding cows a batch right at this moment

Kit, it was so kind of them...and the cows jumped up one-hundred pounds in production right away. It is nice feed and they must have needed it.