The Amish will be exempt from the new health care mandate. When the fools in Washington get done conducting a final frantic run to change my life and your life and the way we access health care in the future, (hurrying to get it done real fast before somebody, somehow rubs their noses in the fact that the majority of Americans don't want it) we will face FINES if we don't buy health insurance. The Amish won't.
(51% of American people are against this health care idiocy .....and I think the other 49% are asleep in front of the TV with a Bud and a bowl of popcorn...)
Nice. I can't pay my bills now. I give everybody some money each month, we spend as little as we can, and still we are looking at losing our cows and our business right now, this year, maybe even next month. (This by the way is unprecedented. We always kept up and were known for it.) Yet these jerks are planning to tell me I have to find money somewhere to pay for health insurance or else pay a fine.
Guess we will have to stop eating, because I can't think what else we can cut to come up with the money to buy their damn insurance. Bah to all of them.
***We used to have health insurance by the way, paid for it ourselves out of the milk check. However, we had to let it go because we couldn't afford it. Still can't
***can you tell that they have already incurred a considerable amount of wrath here? Have they no shame? They KNOW people don't want this bill, but they are going to pass it anyhow just because if they cheat and lie and steal, they can.
I'd rather be a Mennonite - they get to drive cars. Not to mention use things like electricity and buttons. I wonder if they're exempt from "Health Care Reform."
It isn't fair and goes against what this country was SUPPOSED to stand for.
I was talking yesterday to a woman who can't wait for the health care bill to pass. She is convinced that the next day she can walk into a doctor's office and get free care.
We also had health insurance once upon a time when the cattle and hog market allowed it. Then the inurance premium kept going up while the hog price kept going down. I still don't understand how government will be able to provide the proposed health care for all when they can't provide adequate care for veterans.
I'm sorry......It's just plain wrong. WRONG, WRONG !! I don't know how but we have got to be able to do something about it. I've never been a loud mouth activist but if that's what it takes to stop this nonsense from putting hardworking, honest people out of work, I'll become one. My family would vouch that everyone could hear me :)
Fairy tales, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, Santa, intelligent democrats, and good nationalized health care in the US. Things we know don't exist, won't exist and will disappoint us when we learn the truth.
Jeffro, this is true...and I am sure they fall under the Amish heading and are exempt. Interesting Amish are also exempt from the cleanliness laws that govern our industry. They can haul milk in uncooled cans to the central milk house they laws on number of lights, spacing etc. They can have horses and other livestock in their barn with the cows etc. That is all illegal for us.
Jessika, thanks for commenting. I have been becoming increasingly disgusted with the manner in which this health care bill has been pushed forward but this was the last straw...
Jan, she must be one of the ones on the couch with a Bud. The boss has talked to some supposedly educated, intelligent people who are in favor of it as well. People should get a clue when so many powerful groups seek exemptions from this and that portion of it. I don't mean the Amish..I mean public employees and unions. They know it is highway robbery and they are getting their sacred cows protected from it right and left!
Hilltop Farm Wife, thanks for commenting! I would be hard pressed to think of anything the government runs that they run well..this whole bill and the way it has been jammed down our throats without time to read it, reflect upon it and edit it intelligently is a disgrace.
Deb,thanks, I have nothing against the Amish I suppose, but if this plan is so wonderful, why are so many entities seeking (and getting) exemptions from so much of it!!
Steve, yeah, you are right. I read yesterday that our president says that after it is passed we will all be thrilled and will realize how good it will be for us....there is this bridge in Brooklyn..
I get where you are coming from we don't have that particular issue right now although our health care is an issue in itself. We are always getting stuff crammed down out throats , I think it's like that everywhere. I am getting to that place where I believe we need to have an uprising(everywhere)I know that will never happen....pipe dream but boy it would sure knock that arrogance out of the politicians sails.Oh Oh this one got me going .I better quit before you block me from your blog.
It is a sad state of affairs for Farmers all over. My cousin has one of the last big dairy farms in the area..they are only eating because they raise some beef cattle and a big garden..when is everyone going to wake up and say "hey we need the farmers.." Duh..:(
Janice, there is no way I would ever do that. Feel free to speek your mind. It makes me feel better about speaking mine....people are very angry at the sheer arrogance in government that is going on right now...I keep track of comments on certain issues on some sites and where used to be, perhaps seventy percent of people might complain about some issue, now more like ninety percent are...that is a pretty big trend to ignore, but Washington is ignoring it. Shame on them.
Far Side, lets just say that the farm economy has us really grateful that Alan is a great shot...the menu would be pretty sparse without the deer, geese and rabbits he has brought in...and the turkeys back in the season. Thanks for your kind words
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