We are in the midst of a little one and it is truly a delight. Went out yesterday (several times) with no coat. Birds are everywhere; doves hang like delightful diamonds on all the dangly wires and branches. Dozens of gold finches, house finches, juncos and field sparrow (thanks to all who helped us with that identification) white-throated sparrows, and all the other common bird folk chink and cheep and flutter by. The yard is fearfully barren when they leave to glean the fields.
Lines of geese are flying urgently up and down the valley. When geese go somewhere they are very earnest about it, shouting out to one another and stretching their necks out eagerly toward their destination...even when they don't really have one and are just circling the river trying to decide where to land. Alas, the cove across from the house is frozen now, so I can't hear them when I wake up at night. They are all hanging around on the lawn down by the state transportation building instead. These are not migratory geese but rather residents, but they make a warm day feel like spring even though you know it isn't. I stood out in the yard with the dog, yesterday at midday, watching them flow by with the sun on my head and soft air moving slowly across my cheek and just reveled in it. It will get cold again...too soon...but I am going to enjoy this weather for all it is worth.
Glad to hear your in the midst of a thaw, same here... so much so I heard the westward creek roaring with the run off.
We didn't even get below freezing last night... WOO HOO!!!!!! :)
Gotta love a thaw. They make me want to go out there and throw a radish seed in the dirt, I know better, but I still get the urge.
We're in the midst of one here too. I love it, it's like getting a huge load taken off that's for sure.
is the snow thawing already? I hope it is not the global warming. When I was in Canada in the 1970s, the coldest time was feb.
Sara, last year we never got a January thaw and it sure made for a long, hard winter...this is being such a relief
AKA, I know just what you mean. I am wishing I had some geranium seeds as they can be started indoors this early. I did start some indoor lettuce. lol
Linda, what a relief it is to not be cold all the time...it is so sapping and you get so tired
Ann, no Global Warming here, just a good old-fashioned January thaw, a normal part of our weather. Alas, we do have February to get through yet and it can surely be a brutal month/
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