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Friday, February 05, 2010

Yellow Tail Wine and HSUS

Have you heard about this wine company's $100,000 donation to that anti-agriculture, anti-meat, anti-dairy organization, which has proudly announced ,

"We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding."

Yep, Yellow Tail gave a boat load of money to HSUS, supposedly to rescue animals, but we all know that it will be used to lobby voters in places like Ohio, where despite farm groups setting up an animal welfare board, they are still putting their own anti-agriculture legislation on the ballot.

Yellow Tail has a Facebook page where farmers, ranchers, and just plain folks are letting them know just how appalled they are. You can too, if you want to.
I did.
You can "un-fan" them after you let them know what you think....of course it is said that they are deleting aggies' comments and/or ignoring or misinterpreting them as in favor of their foolishness, but I guess anybody dumb enough to send money to HSUS is probably too dumb to read real well either.

****I gotta tell you, I am everlastingly in awe of the power of the Internet... Where else could farmers share their opinions in such a powerful manner?


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the uber sophisticated, they can turn grapes into wine, heh. What a novel concept.

Deb said...

Doesn't it make you want to barf? HSUS - what a joke!
Yellowtail is tanking their own business. Too bad, I like the wine.

DayPhoto said...



Jan said...

A lot of otherwise informed people believe the HSUS misinformation. Have patience. The internet seems to be the only place where their true colors are presented.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all need to speak out against HSUS. They are only out to stop all kinds of commerical livestock production. That would effect every grain producer too.

threecollie said...

AKA, a totally new idea....or maybe not.

Deb, made me real mad. What are they thinking!

Linda, yuck indeed

Jan, I am so grateful for the net....I have had my eyes opened again and again...sadly it has made me pretty cynical.

anon, that is a great point and one I genuinely hadn't thought of before!

Windyridge said...

Many many people don't realize that HSUS is just a peaceful branch of PETA. There was a very interesting and lengthy article in the New Yorker a few years ago about the president of PETA. A Very good read. Anyway I am going to check out that facebook page right now

threecollie said...

WR, you are so right and it is way too many people who don't understand. I actually have reached the point where I have almost given up. These people have virtually infinite money and public ignorance on their side and they know just how to use it. I am beginning to think that engaging any of them in dialog is a mistake...no percentage in going on the defensive because that is just where the animal rights folks want us.