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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Major Snow Storms Real and Imagined

The big news this week in this section of Upstate NY has been the two snow storms....one finished up its work yesterday, leaving us only a couple of inches (which is fine with me) but lambasting some of our close friends terribly.

The roads were appalling, but there was no reason that they should have been. When it is 36 degrees and snows, you will get a nasty frozen slush on the roads...unless they are properly salted that is. Then they should just be wet. Guess budget fun and games has that whole salt thing in abeyance, because Alan had the worst trip home in his college career Tuesday night and there was only an inch or so of wet snow to be found.

Now we are supposed to get another whopper today.

Unless we don't.

The weather oracles seem to have no clue whether there will be lots of rain, lots of snow, not much rain, not much snow, some of both, some of each or a balmy 80 degree day a la Bahamas (I am voting for that).

Meanwhile the kids are trying to get trips to the state Farm Show in Syracuse planned, but with such a shaky, iffy, useless questionable weather forecast they are hesitant to go.

I don't blame them. I would quite like to go myself, but with things as they are these days that ain't happenin'.

Meanwhile, C'mon spring...(or Bahamas vacation) We are ready! (I think I will make out a seed order today........)

****Update: Joated nailed it and it is nailing us!


lisa said...

We got 7 inches yesterday and it is snowing like crazy right now. You are lucky to have gotten only a couple of inches! We are supposed to get8 to 12 inches by tomorrow. I think we will! I hope we can go to the farm show, the major part of the snow is supposed to be done by tomorrow morning.

joated said...

Looking at the radar this morning I could see why the weather quacks are confused about what you will get. The line between snow and rain--at the time--was just west of the Hudson River. A little shift one way or the other....

Keep the coffee/cocoa hot and the shovels handy!

As for Syracuse...Looked like the western edge of the snow was going to be around Mohawk/Utica.

joated said...

Just went back and checked the radar...Forget everything I said about the western edge of the storm! It has blossomed out all across the I-90 corridor.

But the rain/snow line is right around Schenectady. (Between the Dutch and the Iroquois spelling NY State names can be a challenge!)

Unknown said...

It snowed here in NC yesterday! We are a zone 7. I coulnd't believe the size of the flakes. Luckily it didn't stick. mmmmm, bahamas.

R.Powers said...

Sunny, clear, chilly here today. I set my started tomatoes out in the yard to bask in the sunshine.

The Milk Maid said...

They are saying (if you look in 3 different spots) anywhere from 10 - 20 inches of snow here by tomorrow. Usually when they predict a foot we get 2 inches. Wish that was the case now but we are already past the 2 inch mark. I guess it will mean sledding with my son between chores and lots of hot chocolate!

joated said...

Milk Maid, There are worse ways to send the day!

(mmmm! Hot Chocolate!)

Sandcastle Momma said...

Stay warm - no matter if it's rain or snow it's not going to be pleasant.

Linda/IL said...

That's probably the one that dumped
8" on us in IL. Wet, heavy then iced up. Spring can't come too soon!

threecollie said...

Lisa, as you know, we all got nailed with this one.

Joated, it has been some storm...just nasty and a little bit of everything

Michelle, what a winter!!

FC, tomatoes.....I haven't even ordered my seed yet!

The Milk Maid...sledding and chocolate are good!

Joated, good thoughts about hot chocolate!

SCMomma, it was a case of all of the above with sleet, freezing rain, you name it all thrown in together. Really, really nasty weather and now I think there is flooding down in town. Fire whistles been blowing all morning.

Linda/Il, that is about right. Temps been dropping since I got up this morning. It is going to be an awful mess if it freezes like this!