Lancaster Farming ran this article, with the opinions of several farmers and farm service folks on the current economy.
Of Childhood
4 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
I went and read that article and I have to say it just makes me sad. Just before I read it me and my husband were talking about a comment his unlce had told his brother and that was he feels we don't have a future because he feels there is no future in small farming. Between that and this article I get so pissed, excuse me, but why is it that farmers can't make a living. We are not trying to get rich just pay the bills and maybe a little over after. You know as well as I we work 7 days a week every week and some days (a lot of them) are very long, we should be able to make a living at that !!! I fear people will realize how valuable farmers are ( any kind) too late and then who will feed all of us then! Sorry for rambling it just really bothers me at times as I am sure it does you.
It makes me sad, too. I am sad for you and me..anyone who cannot make a decent living by their hard work in this country..and then to lose a way of life that has been in your family for generations is a shame. my blessings.
TMM, it was so sad and there is so much of it going on. Oddly, I had just written that post having received the Lancaster Farming article in an email,when my husband began to read it to me from his print copy of the paper which he had just picked up. A powerful story, but one that needs to be read by folks who are not farmers, alas.
Faithful, I don't know what to think these days. Hard work and dedication used to matter. It doesn't seem as if they do any more.
Heavy heart.
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