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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

NY State Retirement Home for Cats

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n y state retirement farm for cats
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How did I ever turn up on this search.....and why on earth were they asking?


  1. Heck, everyone knows that the perfect place to dump an unwanted kitty is at a dairy farm. /sarc

  2. What if it was some dying old rich cat lady who was looking to find a home for her thirty seven cats and give them lots of money?

  3. Joated, this is true...used to happen all the time. Now I think the coyotes get them before they make it to the barn.. We did have one yellow tom show up last year, but he was really wild and never came in

    Jeffro, dang, dang, dang, why didn't I think of that...I wonder who it was. lol

  4. I would be putting my claim into NYS for housing funds, right now! lol
