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Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Quote is Completely Insane

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy," she told local executives."

This was reported to have been said by Nancy Pelosi speaking on the health care bill.

Food companies are required to put nutritional information on packages of food so people don't have to buy them without knowing what is inside. You can't buy a cracker without a calorie count. Most folks won't buy them without a price tag either. Why on earth would anybody be stupid enough to buy into a potentially life-changing bill like this one without knowing what is inside? Or having any clue what it will cost?

I am ashamed of our so-called leaders in Washington and appalled that my fellow citizens aren't standing up and screaming about this outrage.


~ Sara ~ said...

My jaw dropped as I read the quote, then saw who said it and understood it.

It's just total insanity. What is worse is that it's a woman. I'm not a feminist... but in my opinion... she is doing the women of this country a great harm.

The Milk Maid said...

I watched Glen Beck yesterday when he was showed that part of what Nancy said and how angry he was over it. You should hear me yelling at the tv when I hear things like that. Politics frustrate me quite a bit lately and I try to avoid the news so I don't have to yell at the tv.

joated said...

I saaw this quoted yesterday on many blogs and immediately thought that Nancy should sue her Doctor. Obviously he injected her latest botox directly into her brain. (Assuming he could find it.)

Anonymous said...

As usual, I'm sure she is being quoted out of context, and her words are being spun by whatever particular news organization has an agenda.

Don't fall back on the easy "virtue" of rage at the government. Leave that for the idiotic Glen Becks of the noise machine.

We are a complex society, and we can't possibly know and understand every nuance of every bill, every deal that was struck, etc. We have to rely on elected individuals. Also, note that she said that WE need to find out what is in it, not that SHE needs to find out.

At least she's being forthcoming. The so-called Patriot Act was hustled through Congress in record time, and we still don't know all that's in it, nor will we ever. (Curious, too, how only three days after 9/11, a 600-page bill is already written and ready for passage.)


threecollie said...

Sara, I find it outrageous that something this complex and far reaching is being slammed and rammed through without anybody understanding it. Makes me furious to hear the length they are going to to force it on people who overwhelmingly don't want it!

TMM, Why on earth don't our elected representatives listen to us! People don't want this. People are scared to death of it!

Joated, good thinking. It would explain a lot

Greg, what on earth are you saying! That this bill is too complex for us poor peons to understand, so we should just move aside and let them pass it? Rely on our elected idiots, the clever government folks who have ruined everything they have touched, to think for us because it is too complicated for us?
First of all there isn't one single soul in Washington for whom I voted.
Not one.
And that fair city is full of folks like Rangel and Massa etc. I should TRUST them to pass a bill that has been morphing almost weekly, like the original moving target? Not likely.
If one one hundredth of the things that are said to be in that bill are actually in there, then I don't want it and I have a right to say so!
I will say so.
And the fact that the Patriot Act was horribly flawed does not mean we need to accept another piece of lousy legislation! Seems to me that darned near everybody who likes the bill has insurance from the government so somebody else will be feeling the pain.

Anonymous said...

Legislators who are cryin' the blues over "this 2400-page document" have had a YEAR to read it. Why haven't they?

Cathy said...

You are not alone. I've gone on blood pressure meds over this fiasco.

My husband will retire from his practice in a couple years, so he won't experience the professional down-side of this fiasco, but as aging citizens of this country we greatly resent what this behemoth takeover of 1/6 of the economy will do to the quality of health care (inevitable rationing) and the huge increased debt burden it will lay on our kids.

(Rant over. Thanks :-)

cdncowgirl said...

I am leaving you something on my post that will be up on Friday morning :)

dickiebo said...

Gosh! If the UK is anything to go by, you are sure heading for the most gigantic nightmare in terms of a gihugeous employer, completely beyond control, and employing most of the 'immigrant' population - potential socialist voters, of course!
The costs will be staggering.

Moms Musings said...

I wonder what bribes were given yesterday at the closed door (democrats only) meeting. That woman scares me.

R.Powers said...

Good rant 3C!
Just about had all of the "we know what's good for you" DC attitude I can stand.

Course, the foaming at the mouth garbage that comes out of Glen Beck's mouth is just as insane from the opposite end of the pol spectrum.

Where is that middle of the road voice of reason?

Still looking for it.

threecollie said...

anon, I believe that you are correct

Cathy, thank you! Your family unquestionable understands the ramifications of this awful plan better than almost anyone else. I really value your opinion!!!

cdn cowgirl, thanks

dickiebo, I read with horror a lot of the stories you post and have learned a lot over the time I have been following your blog. The information about the end results of legislation is available to anyone not too lazy or too blind to see it. Why don't they, I wonder?

Cathy M, it is terrible indeed. This mentality of bribing, cheating and getting away with it, etc. seems to be ever more pervasive at every level of life now too....

FC, thanks! I value your opinion quite highly...I am kind of a tirade sort of person and you are plumb level-headed by comparison.

Cathy said...

@Florida Cracker.

May I calmly (hopefully not rantingly:-) point out that Glen Beck is not an elected government official with the power to bribe and legislate this vast good land into a nanny state employing vast numbers of unionized bureaucrats - some of whom will manage our cradle-to-grave health care decisions.

Glen Beck is an entertainer. Using him as an example of debate-gone-whacko is like using Michael Moore's love of Cuban Health Care to refute the rationality of the democrat talking points for Obama Care.

Or like using Al Franken. Oops. Guess he's not an 'entertainer' anymore.

Now when Glen becomes a seated member of the US senate like the attractive Mr. Franken . . . well, then he'll be a more appropriate target for your frustration over the tone of his debate as representative of the opposite side of the political spectrum.

He's an entertainer. His only power is to convince with ideas that the msm rarely advances.

He is not government subsidized and pays a very public price for his histrionics. Big time. If he can't persuade with the ideas he advances - he fails.

This congress and this president have the Real Power. They need to use it and prepare to pay the price in the next election.

They need to stop whining about the crazy conservatives and man-up and wield that power.

Then they need to duck and cover. 2010 will hopefully turn this ship around.

threecollie said...

Cathy, I can tell you have given this a lot of thought and I am grateful for it. We talked about what you said here en famillle the other night...you are so very right and it is something we hadn't thought about. Thanks.

Cathy said...


It used to be harder. Never liked confrontation.

But this is for the survival of this country as our founders established it.

I told a kid sis who signed on to the hope and change bandwagon: this feels like the civil war.

It's tearing families and friendships apart.

But. Here I stand.

threecollie said...

Cathy, I am so grateful that our immediate family is complete united at least on this issue. We have some relatives who still believe in the whole hope and change things, but fortunately I don't talk to them every day. I hate to think what would have happened to my mom under the new plan!