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Friday, April 16, 2010

10 Dairy Foods Myths Dispelled

Here is a list of the top ten dairy food myths and the rebuttal from the University of Michigan.

Here is just one:

2 Myth: Spinach is as good a source of calcium as milk. Fact: There is more calcium in 1 cup of milk than there is in 16 cups of spinach. One will need to eat more than 48 cups of spinach to get the recommended daily intake of calcium (USDA, 2010). Furthermore, milk contains Vitamin D which enhances calcium absorption (Wasserman, 2004).


lisa said...

I sure learned a few things on that one, even though I don't listen much to myths.

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

And milk goes down a whole lot easier than spinach!

Jinglebob said...

I can't believe people believe that crap!

Earl said...

But I really like spinach, probably because it helped Popeye so much.

Cathy said...

No way! Amazing the amount of misinformation out there. Of course this won't affect my hubby at all.

Spinach never crosses his lips:0)

threecollie said...

Lisa, I thought it was kind of cool

Nita, yeah, I like spinach, but I drink milk with most of my meals..I think that much spinach would get old pretty fast

JB, the wonderful world of the Internet causes me to be shocked and stunned pretty much every day at what people...many of whom should know better...believe..

Jan, yeah, thanks to that kind of propaganda rickets has made a comeback right here in the USA...pretty darned sad

Earl, I love it too!

Cathy, same with mine. He hates the stuff. I like it quite well, but I like milk better. lol