Thanks to Facebook I have made a very pleasant friend in Iceland, so I have been following this since long before it reached the main stream news here. I hope everyone in her wonderful country is safe.....
Of Childhood
59 minutes ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Awe Yes! Mt. St. Helens stopped air traffic and made a lot of ash when she blew in 1980! and many times after that! I was only a kid, but I remember having to rush home when we were out riding our horses at friends, because the Mtn blew again, we werent suposed to breathe the ash. she hasnt blew in years, but the memories are still there!! We live only about 20 miles southwest of the mtn, as the crow flies, so we are close to her.
wow. reddunappy was there! wow.
All that ash coming out of there might put a dent in the global warming alarmist agenda.
Redunappy, wow! That must have been something to live through. I can remember it well, but we are far away so it didn't have the impact on our lives that it did on you folks out there. It was pretty scary.
Cathy, I have been thinking just that. Whenever they get going on about GW my dad always points to volcanic activity and wonders how they are going to tax and regulate that.
my compnay is german owned, and we have people stranded all over the place because of that volcano. some of them can stay stranded as far as i'm concerned. ;-)
Ericka, I am so glad to know that it is doing good for somebody. lol
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