And other painful painting projects....actually I am beginning to have a bit of fun with the lawn animals as I do more of them....can't wait to be done and go play outdoors though. There are two more pigs, a cow, which is about half done...all these bunnies to finish and a few duckies to round out the zoo.
And a couple of gratuitous guinea fowl. These fool birds are terrified of me even though they see me dozens of times a day. I put a short video of them trying to hide as I stood in the hen house door up over on The View
our turkeys were always scared to death of us too. You'd think after taking them food for 2 years that they'd learn we were not the enemy.
Pepto piggy needs some flaming pink flamingo friends. ;)
guinea fowl
From all I've read and heard from other folks who have had them, they are the inspiration for the phrase: "Dumb clucks!"
Nice yard critters, btw.
I love your pink piggies....they are so cute :)
I agree the guineas are really skittish and never seem to grow out of that. Some we have had for years and are still like that. I guess because we would be over run with ticks without them, I cut them some slack. I despise the ticks more! They really do an awesome job here and I can't imagine being without them.
I can't wait for you to get some keets! I love the pig! I will put my order in for a pig for the pig hut, and a chicken for the hen house when matt gets them built! Just kidding! They look pretty darn cute!
So I'm watching the video, and I'm wondering why you have Elmo and Sesame Street playing for the guinea fowl. Maybe it's to calm them down....? Finally dawned on me that Elizabeth minimized one of her pages on the
Reminds me of a Guinea hen we had in our yard a couple of years ago. She, however, was fearless since she was convinced she was a dog.
Those birds are actually cute. I sometimes wish I had some.
Makes me want a few Guineas... too funny. Cute piggies by the way... :)
That piggy and those bunnies are too cute!
Are you selling them?
How does one purchase an original Three Collie lawn ornament?
Gee. Wish I could say that those guinea hens are cute.. . .
well . . they're . . they're . . got it! Noisy!
retriever farm, I love the guineas, but they are so foolish! They make me laugh though
Dani, yeah, he probably does indeed. I have two more of them to do so far. lol
Joated, they are indeed about as smart as rocks, but louder. They make me laugh though...and thanks
Deb, I am really hoping they fall into the whole tick eating thing. So far they only seem to hang around in the heifer yard and up by the stove. Hopefully they will find the lawn
Lisa, so far none of them seem to be laying...we are getting impatient too.
Dani, that is hilarious! Maybe I should though....might calm them down
Linda, I have always been very fond of them, stupid and loud though they are. I am delighted to have some again.
Jan, I remember her! I was so sorry when she moved on, as I enjoyed reading about her adventures
FC, thanks
And they are! lol
Sara, thanks! They are a lot of fun...if you get a chance to get some...they are so funny, like Victorian ladies running in skirts/
Cathy, it's a long story...we were talking to the milk inspector in the kitchen...or Ralph was. I was sitting at the table kind of bored and doodling. I like to doodle.
The milk inspector saw the horse I was drawing, commented, looked at my paintings around the house and decided I was the perfect paint his lawn art that he sells. He lives a long way from here and sells them at home...I have no idea what he gets for them or anything. I just paint them and he takes them away.
And the guineas are indeed NOISY! lol
Ok TC. We want to see more of your drawings!
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