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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Proposed NY Rural Truck Ban Rejected

This is good news for farmers who haul crops by truck. Although it was meant to give folks tormented by hundreds of reeking garbage trucks each day some relief from that misery, the law of unintended consequences meant that this legislation would have spilled over onto farmers trucking corn, hay and produce. Even milk trucks would have been affected, as would farmers markets.
Glad they didn't go ahead with it.


Unknown said...

I don't understand why the bills they create can't be more specific. Nothing ever happens because the bills are always to general and mess up everything else.

DayPhoto said...

No one ever understand the the all encompasing moves it takes to get rid of one thing.


joated said...

Propose a rule or regulation before you think it through seems to be the rule rather than the exception.

At least this time it didn't get so far as to be enacted.

I wonder what the truck traffic on rural roads like Routes 20, 12, 10 or 13 would be like if the NYS Thruway wasn't so darned expensive?

threecollie said...

Michelle, I have the greatest sympathy for the people affected by the garbage trucks. I don't know what the answer to the problem is, but their quality of life is very adversely affected. However, tossing farm trucks off the road at the same time is just plain foolish

Linda, this sure could have been a mess!

Joated, I wonder when they are actually going to take those tolls off like they were supposed too. Never I suspect, as they have thousands of pensions to pay...