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Thursday, April 01, 2010

To Make up for the Gloom and Doom

The sun came out yesterday...

Sorry about that stuff yesterday. Things looked awful, scary and bad. We dodged that bullet, thanks to a hard working professional in town. A worry that has been hanging over me since last summer like a big, black blanket, hangs no more...or at least much less.
And the grass is almost green.
The sun came out yesterday after all that Godawful rain.

To make it up to you for me being such a party pooper yesterday, here are some fun things to do and cool folks to visit. Please pay them a call to get your grins on.

Check out real chickens in party hats. They are so cute!!

An ongoing archaeological dig in a former pig coop.

Calving, calving and kidding.

Baby horses in all their incredible cuteness.


R.Powers said...

Glad the sun is shining again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shoutout! We had our second one yesterday and it looks like there will be quite a few maybe today....I guess we're officially calving. I'm glad things are looking better for you.

Jan said...

Life has its ups and downs. Glad you could share both with us.

DayPhoto said...

I'm glad it is starting to work out. I really am.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are looking up! Those dark days can really drag you down...

joated said...

Whew! You had me a bit worried for you guys yesterday. I'm glad your banker was able to find another way and that the weather has decided to help out a bit. With the loan of both dollars and warmth (let's hope the former is easily repaid and the latter is NOT some elaborate April Fool's joke by Mother Nature!), I hope your cows will be eating greens shortly.

This short movie of the 22(!) rain and snow storms that hit the northeast this winter, may not cheer you up, but it will certainly explain why the weather has gotten so many down.

Cathy said...

Awwww . . . what great links. Glad I don't have to pick a favorite.

I'm dragging my laptop in to share these with my husband.

Thanks, TC . . I know we're all smiling.

Happy Spring.

threecollie said...

Fc, me too, Liz and I built fence...I moved wood. I tuned in for the last episode of the world's most elaborate April fools joke on a certain someone's blog. lol

Linda, hope it goes well! thanks

Jan, many of the ups these days are a little on the manufactured side, but I do my best. Thanks

Linda, thanks, we were truly desperate. I am hoping we will be able to float

RM, been so worried for so long...

Joated, I have been so worried since last fall. Not that I am not concerned. Prices are still well below break even, but we can hope that will change....OMG, what did I just say? Hope and change...now I am really worried...anyhow, thanks, and thanks for the weather show. I had noticed the storms all looking alike.

Cathy, there sure are some wonderful blogs out there. Glad you liked them. Take care!