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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Great Quote from Mike Rowe

I read this quote from him a while back, lost the bookmark, and have been looking for it ever since. It is a big thought, but I think it might just be a true one. Worth pondering anyhow.
Read the whole thing here. It is well worth your time.

This is the part I was looking for:

"On Dirty Jobs, I’m no expert, and I’m even less of one here. But I have a theory, and it goes like this – all jobs rely on one of two industries – mining and agriculture. Every tangible thing our society needs is either pulled from the ground, or grown from the ground. Without these fundamental industries there would be no jobs of any kind. There would be no economy. Civilization begins with miners and farmers, and polite society is only possible when skilled workers transform those raw materials into something useful or edible."


DayPhoto said...

I so agree. I my paying work is with the mining industry. Therefore, I fit both worlds.


Jan said...


joated said...

Excellent quote. Interesting article. Fascinating site just added to my favorites. Thanks for bringing it up.

Sarpy Sam said...

My dad told me something similar to this a long time ago. He Said that farming and ranching, logging, mining and fishing are the only industries in this world that MAKE money. They create new wealth by taking the things the good lord provides us and transform it into a sellable commodity. Everybody after these people just transform the things these people provide or just trade money back and forth between them selves. None of them create new wealth like we do.

For a man who barley graduated High School, he had it very right.

The Milk Maid said...

I loved that article! Thank you for sharing it so we could read it.

threecollie said...

Linda, that is pretty cool. The closest we come to mining is our diamond digging

Jan, he really is, isn't he?

Joated, I like it too. I wish they were quicker to approve comments and that it was easier to leave them in the first place. I tried for a while some time ago and finally gave up. There is a great dialog on there...I just can't seem to join it

Sarpy Sam, first of all thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Your words of wisdom on the world of ag have been missed at least by one NY farmer...
And your father must have been very wise indeed. I wish more people recognized the contribution of the people who do create tangible wealth. Maybe then we could make a decent living

TMM, I can't take credit...a Facebook farmer friend posted it yesterday and I grabbed it. I was so delighted to find that quote! I knew he said it but I just couldn't find reference to it anywhere.