Deep in the bowels of the health care deform bill, (and yes, I did mean to type "D") is a nasty little provision that will have every farmer (and other small business folks too) in the country sending out 1099s to every single entity with whom they do $600 worth of business in a year. This will make a sickening mess of bookkeeping for thousands of farm women like me, (and yeah, men too) who would much rather go hill potatoes than hunt around for tax numbers and do paperwork for the feds. It will cost businesses ridiculous amounts of money.
You can read a bit about it here.
And here
And here
Hold on to your stomach because this is really going to be ugly.
Don't we wish more people had read the stupid bill before they voted it into law? Um, yeah....
Of Childhood
1 hour ago
I am more than really concerned about our government and the future of your nation. Terrified really. I hope most of this can be stopped or at least slowed down in 2012... I really hope so.
Linda, there is legislation proposed to repeal this outrage. I hope it passes. What a nightmare!
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