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Friday, June 11, 2010

Egg Quality a Success in Ohio

Read about it here


Wil said...

What's a decimal place between enemies? The scary part was the last paragraph, concerning an (presumably State) amendment to the constitution:

"The egg fight is the leading edge of the war between the Humane Society and state agriculture officials and farmers over a proposed constitutional issue, including limits on animal and poultry confinement. It is expected to appear on the November ballot statewide."

Earl said...

I like my eggs better.

threecollie said...

Wil, I have been seeing so many instances of twisted, or completely wrong figures being used to browbeat people lately. Like the DEC here in NY using incorrect and easily disproven figures to get people to ban our outdoor wood stoves. It is outrageous, but they get away with it.

Earl, hmmmm......