Check out John Bunting's blog for some very disturbing figures.
Of Childhood
54 minutes ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Good morning
I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now off and on and I think I understand where you stand on the dairy industry in the US. I am from Canada not very far away from you. I can't for the life of me see why there isn't more pressure put on the bigger farms. They are killing your dairy industry. We have a rule that is going to our provincal milk committe meeting to be read and discussed and voted on. It states that there should be no more farms with the ability to to buy quota for aprox 225 cows. Once you have reached that limit that is it. Am I wrong in thinking that a good family farm can't make a buck at 225 cows? I don't think it will ever pass but I think I agree with it. There are so many reasons why huge farms can't work into the future and only one(economic viablity at the cost of small farms) why they were built in the first place. OH yes I also forgot ego. AnywaY I enjoy your writing and hope you know I am pulling for your family. I am going to cut some hay in between the rains Bruce
Anon, I was reading the comments on John's blog and one person pointed out that at this rate there will soon be one really large farm left with millions of cows. I am getting increasingly discouraged with the dairy industry these days. Thanks so much for reading and for taking time to comment and thank you for the kind words. I am beginning to have trouble keeping this blog moving along, as there is simply nothing to be cheerful about and I don't suppose folks want a daily dose of doom and gloom.
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