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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Not My Own

My time that is. Farm days have become a hotbed of activity. Visits from milk company officials, an electrician, the steel guy, and on and on, with the phone ringing constantly until long after night chores are done. None of these are exactly bad things and I may even have some very interesting news for you in the next few weeks. However the down side is the days fly by with no pauses or stops and at the end I look back at what I accomplished and sigh. So much activity...so little to show for it. But even that has its upside. I usually have trouble sleeping during full moon weeks. I drop into bed now and sleep like the dead and wake up ready for more. (Sleep, not insanity.)

The guys finished one ag bag yesterday and went to buy another bag which they will put on the bagger today. Imagine an incredibly thick, heavy, white trash bag that measures 9'X200'....not easy to manhandle that around! Imagine stuffing that with chopped crop products, in this case green, freshly chopped hay, and fermenting it for a month or so and then feeding it out all sweet and tasty. Good stuff. They are going to try to get some baling done too if the rains hold off.

Finally got the tomatoes planted, late I know, but there hasn't been much time for playing in the dirt. If the blight doesn't kill them they will be fine even planted this late. If they are going to grow they grow fast.

When I finish hilling the potatoes (yeah, still at that job) and plant a few more squash it will be time to dig the garlic. It looks great this year and I can't wait. I simply can't school myself to save enough to plant enough to get ahead each year. It is so good that I want to cook with it, not store it away to plant next year. I bought some for planting last year, from a kid over in Cobleskill and we ate half of that before it got planted too. Have I mentioned that we love garlic?

Anyhow, it is time for chores. have a good one.


anne smith said...

I look forward to reading your blog daily!!

Dani said...

Have a great weekend girlfriend!

lisa said...

If you just planted the tomatoes go get a Fungicide and spray them once a week for two weeks then spray every ten day. Mix your fungicides up too!

Shade Trees said...

Beautiful its really amazing.

Teri C. said...

Yes, the days do fly by...the list is never dented, and somehow it's all okay.

R.Powers said...

I think I must chop garlic every single day.
We love it too.

threecollie said...

Thank you Anne, hope you are doing okay.

Dani, thank you! Hope you have a good one too

Lisa, I will have to find out from you what to use. I only planted a few this summer after last year's disaster.

Shade Trees, thanks and thanks for visiting and commenting

Teri, you have that right!

FC, I swear I could put the whole garden in garlic and we would still run out lol