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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Incredible Photos from the 30s and 40s

Do take a few minutes to look at these in the Denver Post. They are phenomenal and include homesteaders inside their prairie homes, juke joints, dam building and so much more. Amazing!

HT Luv Hahn on FB


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

That's quite a collection! I grew up on Michigan farmland during the 1940s, and I remember what rural poverty looked like then. I went to a one-room schoolhouse and one of my four fellow classmates lived in a chicken coop. Her mom made her dresses out of flour sacks (which actually came in pretty cotton prints). There was no Aid to Families with Dependent Children back then, and poor children suffered the taunts of their classmates for coming to school smelly and in dirty clothes because their homes had no indoor plumbing. When I hear some folks rail against "government programs," I remember what life was like for some kids back then. And they were all white Christian kids, too.

Ericka said...

wow. really cool photos. thanks for sharing. somewhere, i have a link to the library of congress photos - you can spend HOURS wandering their collection online.

hey, i thought of you today. did you see this: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/11/03/60minutes/rooney/main1007432.shtml

threecollie said...

WW, I feel so privileged to have grown up with grandparents who knew what the Great Depression was like. We made fun of my grandpa for straightening and saving bent nails, but after a tough year like we have just had I not only understand why he did what he did, I find the same mindset for myself. I am glad I grew up with him and my grandma. Things look so different from their point of view...

Ericka, I was so grateful that Luv had a link to them. I would love to see the link that you have. Such amazing stuff. Not being much of a historian I am not so hot with my time lines. Had no idea such photos existed. I hadn't seen the story, but I guess I don't agree with Andy. I don't drink our milk much because it is about four percent fat, which just tastes too rich to me. I wish they would pay us better for all that fat they skim off though. lol