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Friday, August 27, 2010

Not Early Yet

In the dark before early, the moon poured like water over nighttime scenery; the heifer yard became the bottom of the ocean. The sea of burr cucumber mantling Wally's kennel like kudzu (he guards the barn now) into folded coral, bending into itself all convoluted dark and shining.

A shoal of heifer sharks slept on the barn ramp, full of haylage and sweet corn leaves from garden clean up. The ink and water color of sunrise was just a hint on the other horizon, pointing out the east to anyone awake to watch it.

I was.

Getting the house chores done so the day can be dedicated to finishing up the garden. The beans rendered up an incredible fourth picking yesterday. This has surely been the summer of the green bean. Onions and shallots are dug, potatoes awaiting that service (how can the ground be so darned hard after all the rain we've had?) There is a chill in the air that is suggesting that first frost may come early this year.

I am not ready....but I need to get that way. Brought the first house plants in already....


DayPhoto said...

Oh...wonderful writing. I, also, am up early, early. Long before the sun these days. It does so feel like fall here also. And I am not ready. I am never ready for winter.


Linda said...

Yes it is wonderful writing.....you have such a great way with words.

Ericka said...

i love your word art. :-)

even though i don't want to think about fall. or winter. blech.

but even here the first of the trees are starting to change.

threecollie said...

Linda B, thanks, it is just coming up now...I hate the short days. I am not worth a nickel until the sun comes up.

Linda P, thanks...there is so much to see and write about...

Ericka, thank you. Same here. The red maples in the swamp are turning and I guess up north it has started..