What do you think of a dealership that takes in a tractor to replace a rear wheel bearing and fails to replace the used transmission oil, filter or strainer?
Or even to call to see if we wanted it done?
Said oil was full of metal filings from the scored housing from the failed bearing so bad that the filter clogged...
TWO, count 'em TWO service calls yesterday to deal with that situation and I am not a happy camper. This kind of thing is why jackknife mechanics flourish around here.
Of Childhood
4 hours ago
Sounds like home... I feel for you. Time for a little okie french...If you want sometime I can call long distance and rail on them like I did with the tech guy in India or where ever he/they were... :)
I'd say if there is any other bearing or gear problems in that tranny/rear end - the dealership is obligated to stand repairs and labor for not doing their job in the first place. That is just ignorant.
If they overhaul a motor, is it their policy not to change the oil in that motor as well? The mind boggles.
Sara, thanks. Sure made me mad. We try to stay away from the dealerships just because of stuff like this. Give me the days of mechanical tractors...hate all that hydrostatic crap.
Jeffro, if they bill us for those two calls they are sure going to hear from somebody. I am a farm WIFE. Not a man, not a mechanic. But had those little sweethearts called to ask if we wanted to pay the freight for the new oil and told me about the filings you betcha I would have gotten the answer right. Worst thing is the poor mechanic, who made one of the service calls, asked to be allowed to change the oil as it clearly needed to be done and the boss told him not to. My mind is indeed still boggling.
Oooooooh, don't get me started. I used to say that Allan married me because I was meaner than him. Guess who dealt with the implement dealers? That is very, very wrong.
Moos, are you coming east any time soon? We could use a good hefty dose of mean on this affair. I am so darned ticked off!
You go girl! And turn them in to the Better Business Group while you are at it. And be kind and let them know you are going to turn them in!
LInda, I am so upset with them! I am going to be a lot more upset if I get a bill for those two pointless calls.
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