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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blogger's New Editor

So here I am trying to post some nice photos of cows and sunshine and orange trees and fuzzy grass...oh and some fat frogs too, when the new editing system for posting pops up. Lots of new options. Lots of new things to learn. Keeps changing fonts just for fun.  One of the slowest photo uploaders I have ever used. No way to upload multiple photos....oh yeah, I am in love. NOT.

I checked out the page where folks can comment on this topic and guess what...nobody else likes it either!


~ Sara ~ said...

are you trying the draft blogger?

Jan said...

I was a little startled at "sunshine and orange trees." Then I realized they were orange TREES, not ORANGE trees.

Thought maybe global warming had arrived early.

threecollie said...

Sara, no they are introducing a new post editor, which we will all soon be required to use. I clicked the try it out button and walked into a real mess. They do not even begin to have the bugs worked out and the old editor works a LOT better. Took me a while to figure out how to turn it back off too. I hope they fix it before they make us use it all the time!

Jan, lol, sorry about that. I wish they were ORANGE trees, but they are just plain old maples, although they are pretty

CTG Ponies said...

I haven't even tried it yet. I'm just getting used to the regular one. I've used Live Writer to make a post - that's pretty cool.

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

I didn't want to hear that, Blogger gives me fits, Wordpress is a dream.

~ Sara ~ said...

You might try the draft form, I hated the editor before going to draft...

threecollie said...

CTG, they need to fix it before they roll it out. folks who have been uploading five photos at a time, while continuing to compose are not going to be grinning about being limited to one and not being able to write. Haven't tried live writer though

Nita, I gave Wordpress a shot a while back, but it just didn't do what I wanted. I like to play with the colors in the template and couldn't do it...maybe just personal dumbness, but I couldn't. I don't get why services like blogger come up with changes that users hate though. Don't they test anything? Makes you wonder.

Sara, I did take a look at it...don't remember why I didn't go any farther, probably lack of time. I will look at it again. Hope things are going okay for you.