Not for sale
Not Argersinger Road
Not a through road to Lusso
Not a gravel bank either.
Waited all yesterday morning for the clamor to die down around here...chores and milking, people off to work and school. People home and gone again, phone calls, men in and out for checks etc, until it was all quiet on the northview front so I could boil up a third batch of grape jelly. Alan helped me get the grapes down Monday afternoon and I made the juice before that night's milking.
You jelly makers know that once that last big boiling begins you shouldn't stop. So of course, just as I was setting the timer for that all important minute didn't some turkey with a great big truck and flat bed machinery trailer come cranking in behind my car, nearly running over poor old Gael in the process. And I do mean close call.
First words out of his mouth when I go boiling out the door after turning off my almost finished jelly are, "I'm not here to rob you or anything."
I lost it. I admit it. He drove past those signs up there in the photo, minus the vulture I suspect, and right up to the back door of the house. And claimed to be looking for a gravel bank. Missed our poor old dog by inches. I said very unpleasant things to him, made him back down the driveway rather than moving the car so he could just tool right around, and turned his plate number into the state police. Rather than complaining that I might have wasted their time the nice young officer thanked me for reporting the incident.
Am I sorry? Not one bit. After the theft of our generator cables and with this kind of thing becoming too darned common, I will call the next time too.
Did the jelly turn out all right? I don't know yet. It is kind of funny looking but it tastes pretty good. A lot darker purple than the other two batches..
That has just got to make you want to stand at the bottom of the drive with a loaded gun waiting for the next guy to come!
Lisa, they drive me nuts. I probably would have been much calmer but for the whole jelly thing. Arrggghhh!!!!
I'm so glad he didn't hit the dog! What was his blind or something!
LInda, he came up in our barely car-width round driveway with a great big truck and long, heavy trailer. Because he couldn't make the turn the trailer tire just missed the poor old girl who was sleeping on the lawn. We put up the no trucks sign when an idiot pulling a helicopter on a big trailer got stuck in front of the house because he was too long and couldn't go either backward or forward. Took hours to get him out lol
Sending Lots of Love your way!!!! Wish I could help ya with that problem you have.
Love Ya
I can't blame you for being upset, large trucks are not on the top of my list right now. We are getting a transmission line along the back of our property and all the neighbors ( nothing I could do about it cause a right of way was given to NYSEG back in the 60's) and we have so much truck traffic( dump trucks and tractor trailers) on our road now that all seem to be going to a fire and hauling all that large equipment if they ever had to stop quick well lets say I hope I am not the one in the road they have to stop for. Ya just think on a back country road they could have a little respect and slow down a little I mean there are kids, animals, hidden driveways. Sorry venting but those trucks are driving me mad!
Shooting would be too good!
Mappy, not much you could do even if you were here, but thanks for thinking of us. Love you too. I probably wouldn't have been nearly as upset by this guy if not for him almost running over the dog and the stealing that has been rampant all around us lately
TMM, feel free to vent. I don't blame you one bit for being upset! A little courtesy goes a long way, but a complete lack of it just doesn't cut it. The state put a passing zone right in front of our place and pulling into either driveway is taking your life in your's like a race track
Linda, I don't get it why people think signs apply to everybody but them.
wait. "...when an idiot pulling a helicopter on a big trailer..." what??
i have this mental image of a helicopter tethered to a truck like a dog on a leash, buzzing overhead and tugging to get loose.
so glad the idiot missed gael! and that you were there to give him hell.
Ericka, yeah, really, they used to plant rye on cornfields with a helicopter and we hired them to do some for us...they can dump the rye seed right on the field and it will come up under the corn and be harvested in spring when the corn is long gone. They bring the copter in on a trailer...and the guy missed the directions of which driveway to use. It is funny in retrospect, but the guy was really, really, really nasty. Needless to say after that we just rented a seeder. lol
Keith and I are on our laptops in adjacent rooms reading this.
TC. we're both exclaiming and we're both seeing red.
Damn! Sorry, but Damn!
We're thinking guns.
Cathy (and Keith) I was and still am furious. We went out to a farm meeting tonight and as we came up the driveway we discussed just how likely it was that the son of a gun actually thought he was going to a gravel bank...the answer being not very. It is obviously a house driveway. I don't know what I would have done if he had hit Gael, who was sleeping on the lawn. I think he missed her by about six inches and had I not gone out and hollered at him, he would never have seen her at all until it was too late. I did have a 12-gauge right by the back door, but never even thought about it....wouldn't have taken it out probably anyhow, but I asked Alan to leave it close by for me.
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