Do check out these photos. I don't think I want to mess with those mama cows!
Of Childhood
1 hour ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Yep. Don't mess with mama's baby.
Mother love is very powerful. I would not have expected this, however.
OOooo boy! Beef! It's not always for dinner!
Love this line:
'The bear was young and either incredibly stupid or incredibly hungry, as he was able to get away from the cows three times and then turned and went back for more.
It was probably both. Wonder if it survived its injuries.
How odd, I saw this same story only video on a USA today clip - with an Oregon rancher and an Oregon Fish & Wildlife guy. Now I don't know which story to believe. Same cows and bears though, and where ever it happened those cows kicked some bear butt!
I am not surprised. That happens to me every time I try to put an ear tag in a calf!
Seriously good momma's though. I like it! Now, can you get some pics with an air born coyote for us Midwest folks?
EArl, the pictures were incredible I though. People who don't deal with animals think cows are so benevolent and they just aren't. I took a head ride on a mama Holstein once. She was defending her calf. Thank God for Mike who stopped her
Jan, amazing stuff
Lisa, yeah
Joated, I was surprised to see a bear stupid enough to mess with a herd of cows. They are so tough
Nita, I was puzzled to see it where it was too. I'll bet your story is the right one. Amazing photos though wherever they were taken.
Paul, lol, we have a plenitude of the darned things here too (coyotes that is). They have a doubly bad affect for me, as besides eating everything they can kill, they harass the stock enough that it is much harder to get them dog broken so I can use the border collies to work them. They see a canine and attack.
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