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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Tractor Troubles

The 4490 has ongoing engine troubles again...worst tractor we have ever owned and that is really saying something. Now the John Deere 4430 has two bad batteries and a fried alternator. That's all she wrote for tractors. Something is going to have to be fixed first thing this morning so we can feed....About five minutes past getting that great news the heifers tore down the pasture fence and took a stroll. Had to put the cows in a different field, in the dark last night....and they didn't want to go.


Deb said...

darn...not a good way to start the morning :( Why do cows always seem to break down fences at the worst times? Hope your tractor troubles are fixed without too much stress and $.

Anonymous said...

the animals and equipment need a lesson in cooperation 101..sign them up today, if it's not too late! good luck with it all!

Jinglebob said...

Man! When it rains it pours!

Rev. Paul said...

I've never known cows to take down a fence at a good time, but some are more inconvenient than others. Tough night.

DayPhoto said...

It always seems to happen that way...one thing starts about a billion other things!

Sorry for the problems!


threecollie said...

Deb, thank you. We ended up not having so awful a day, as we got most things done that needed to be.

anon, they do! Good plan! And thank you....

JB, it does and it is

Rev. Paul, we were shorthanded too, but like all things it passed. Maybe today we can get the rest of the fence done and the cows back where they belong. I hope so

Linda, exactly, far from coming in threes, farm disasters seem to come in twelve-packs. lol