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Monday, January 24, 2011

Delta Smelt and Dairy

This is many, many times larger than a delta smelt, but IS a minnow, a fall fish

Prominent California dairy blogger, Dino Giacomazzi is doing a solid month of posts on his dairy blog, emphasizing answers to questions from readers.

He was kind enough to answer my question about the economic impact of government water regulations in his state on his dairy business. These environmental rulings are turning some of the most productive land in the nation into a dust bowl in the name of a tiny fish, which wouldn't even provide a snack for the fish above. I have no doubt that even if you aren't aware of it, you feel the impact of this situation every time you buy fresh produce at the grocery store.

Read his excellent answer here. And if you have a question for Dino, he is ready and waiting to answer yours too.


joated said...

Rulings made to protect a tiny little fish that is on its way to extinction because it has specialized way too much are confusing. Especially when they are made by--or on behalf of--those who say they believe in evolution.

Yes, it is sad to see a species become extinct but it is also the way of all living things. We don't see dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, dire wolves or saber-tooth tigers walking about any more. Virtually ALL species that ever existed are gone because they couldn't handle change. Why do we persist in trying to protect those failures at our own expense now?

threecollie said...

Joated, Excellent answers!
The whole affair staggers me. How could they do that? Destroy the economy of a thriving region and make everybody's food more expensive for a tiny fish?
Alan's time in fisheries and wildlife has apprised me of some pretty ridiculous efforts being made here in NY on behalf of a little striped snail, of which there are only around 200 left. They are of course surrounded by a huge, successful, population of nearly identical snails, that are thriving. however the powers that be at the state DEC have tagged each one of these little darlings and monitor them all carefully. They even accidentally killed a whole lot of them during the process, but that was okay because it was them doing the killing. Woe betide you or me if we bothered them. It is good to see our tax dollars at work.