A flowering cucumber made its way up onto the porch
Of Childhood
3 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Very cool! Did you plant a lot of veggies this year for the garden or was the weather to wet?
Dani, alas the weather was awful and then the stupid foot thing...I did plant a lot of garlic. Didn't get it fertilized and used Amish seed (NEVER again!) so it is small but there is plenty. Other than that the herbs are doing well, I have a few beans, a little squash and some decent tomatoes.
I'm smiling. Great photo - and perfect caption!
NW, thanks, it just struck me funny as I was tearing it off the Norfolk Island pines and tossing it off the porch. lol
And it won't catch your hair on fire at a birthday party!
Wow, NI pines in New York?
Cool! I am growing several different types of dry beans this year.
That photo looks...forboding. Keep an eye on that plant.
Fc, wow, that is a side affect I hadn't heard of. As to the pines they are house plants in big pots that summer on the porch. Our weather kills them dead quickly, alas,
LInda, sure do love your pinto beans. I shared them with Lisa because they love cooking beans. I am saving mine for winter.
Joated, the stuff will cover a whole building like kudzu!
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