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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

More on the Texas Drought

While working on the Farm Side yesterday I came upon this article.

Well worth your time to read this man's perspective on the drought and on mega-droughts in centuries gone by

He points out that one drought, documented through archaeological evidence, lasted nearly a hundred years and is thought to have contributed to the downfall of the Mayan civilization.

Times are hard in the West these days. As the author of the article states, about all that can be done is to pray for rain to fall in all the right places.

******Which means, NOT HERE please*******


Anonymous said...

Very interesting info, thanks. Love your blog. linda

Anonymous said...

It doesn't help the situation when the feds "take over" the fire-fighting efforts and turn away volunteer firemen: http://tinyurl.com/3g7w5tf

Or when those same volunteers are digging into their own pockets for supplies and equipment because the state budget for firefighting went from $30 million to $7 million: http://tinyurl.com/3uuz3wn

But praying for rain in Texas (and not New York) is still a good call.

threecollie said...

LInda, thanks

Aka, that is scary stuff. The whole thing is scary. Poor folks.

lisa said...

I sure feel for them along with us and the folks having to deal with the flooding out of their homes! Mother nature is reminding us that the earth is evolving and changing every year! (not because of global warming only!!)

Cathy said...

Just home from Colorado which tends to be arid. We love the sun and vistas, but for me - it's always pleasant to return to moist air. Easier on the sinuses.
And things grow without much coaxing.

I can't read about Texas. If it gets to suffering livestock - I can't handle it.

My heart and prayers go out to those afflicted by the drought.

And your gorgeous dewy spider web picture is just one more of the blessings of living in a damp climate.

What a weird year. Not enough or too much.

threecollie said...

Lisa, sure been a harsh year for most of the country

Cathy, it is hard to read about and the Internet makes the world so small one feels like one knows these folks. Discouraging as heck. Thanks for your kind words.