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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rescue Rangers

Taken with my cell phone...kitties are under the flap of the box.

Setting up the milker day before yesterday. Heard the dreaded cheeping cry of a kitten in distress.

Oh, oh....

Athena has turned out to be one of those kitten shifters...here one day, somewhere else the next and we hadn't seen her kitties in a couple of days.

The girls and the boss went on the hunt. No kitties in the manure shed. No kitties under the compressor. No kitties under the bulk tank. No kitties in the ceiling.

Nope the kitties were in the wall. Yes, indeedy, inside the wall. Appears Athena hauled them up stairs to an abandoned grain bin and they fell down into the wall.

Alas, when the wall was demolished with hammer and tongs...or whatever...there were only two kitties left of the original three. (Not to mention a large hole in the wall, which spooked all the cows that have to walk by it...or at least it spooked the Jerseys, making it seem like all the cows.)

The two residual chats were enthroned in a cardboard box in the milk house, with mama in fond attendance, canned cat food and milk was provided and all was well.

Well, except that cats aren't allowed in the milk house. By law.

Next morning when we went to remove the little offenders ...yay...an empty box. No kitties. So the girls crawled around on their hands and knees in the milk house until they found the two little devils under the fridge and pulled them out. They had to be relocated before the milk truck came and they got us in trouble.

Only lo and behold there were now three kitties. Either they multiplied like gremlins in the night or Athena punched a big hole in the plastic covering one window to bring the missing felid inside with his sibs. (Seems she knows a cushy berth when she finds one.)

I sent Becky for my window repair tote and fixed the yawning opening. Kittens were placed back in the old calf tie up whence they originally emanated shortly after birth.

And of course by evening they were missing again. This time they were quickly discovered over by the permanent cat food dish. I find myself wondering just how many lives they have used up so far......and also who is going to fix that wall and when.


Dani said...

Never a dull moment! ;)

Cathy said...

The word . . . .


Yes. That covers it.

I think of you and your family working . . . and in all your "abundant" spare time chasing down and rescuing kittens . . .

Good. Not a pretty sounding word, but when applied to good people . . . .

a good enough word :)

Rev. Paul said...

Cats are like that - sneaky little things. But God made them cute so we'd like them, anyway.

Oh well, you had too much spare time anyhow, right? Oh, wait.

Anonymous said...

Well, this story sure used up a couple of my extra lives.

I know this isn't practical for you, but that's why I only have house cats. If I can't find them, I just have to keep looking 'cause they're around someplace.

Terry and Linda said...

You are good folks...that cat knows it.


June said...

I would not have been able to bear waiting long enough to be sure . . . but I betcha Athena would've gotten 'em outta the wall. God knows how, but I betcha she would've done it.

threecollie said...

Dani, ain't that the truth! lol

Cathy, that is so sweet of you...thanks. There is no way anyone could ignore the crying...they are missing again today and I wonder where she stashed them

Rev. Paul, oh heck, we were only about an hour late for milking lol

aka, barn cats have a hard time for sure and we do have the one house cat. Wish Athena were a bit smarter.

Linda, thanks, she is sweet even if she is kind of dumb,.

June, she might indeed have been able to get down into the wall from above and lift them out, but there is no way I could have listened to them howl and hoped. Wasn't the first time we have torn up a wall to get kitties out. Probably won't be the last either. lol