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Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Came Early

The house looked like a sneaky old jack o'lantern last night when I came in from evening milking. Bright orange windows like eyes, nose, and toothy smile; dark outline looming large against a starry sky like a creepy, hulking beastie crouching by the driveway... waiting to pounce on me and gobble me up.

Just to add to the atmosphere a black cat twined around my feet .

A little, yellow crescent moon was grinning down from the west and the Big Dipper was holding water rather than dumping it on us.

It was a bright, pretty night for all the spooky stuff to be going on. I liked it fine.

Would have been nice if there had been good weather for the tractor pull, this weekend but Ma Nature hasn't been so very kindly to farm folk this year.....

When I was younger Halloween was my favorite holiday....costumes, spooky decorations, scary stories, things that go bump in the night, candy and apples and popcorn balls. Now that I am much too grown up to trick or treat I guess I like Thanksgiving better, but there is something about the 31st of October that still holds a mysterious appeal.

Happy Halloween!


Breezey375 said...

And then you had a daughter who thinks everyday should be Halloween!

Linda said...

Have a good one! Nothing goes on here for halloween.......we don't even get any kids coming around for candy anymore.

Keith Wilson said...

I also love Halloween (but Christmas is still my favorite!)
I remember Halloweens in the small town in Colorado where I grew up, running through yards, a full moon turning the lawns to silver, yelling, laughing, and thinking it would be like that always.

I still wear costumes to the hospital each Halloween; as a nun, as a very old man, as a medieval monk with hood and beard. Cathy and I still carve any pumpkin we can get our hands on.
Happy Halloween everyone!

Terry and Linda said...

We only have the grandchildren for treats, but we do drive into town to see all the decorations. Some people decorate more for halloween than they do for Christmas which always makes for a really neat drive.


Cathy said...

Ditto Keith.

Nothing competes with the magic of twinkling jack'o lanterns on a perfect moonlit October night.

Jeffro said...

Happy Halloween to all the denizens of NOrthview!

CNO NATURA said...

is the mother of the day

threecollie said...

Breezey, I will vote yes if I get candy

Linda, thanks, same here, too far from town, too far off the road and probably too spooky

Keith, that is sweet and nice. You write so well btw. I could just see your Halloweens

LInda, sounds good. We used to get a couple but I think the house is too scary for them. lol Happy Halloween

Cathy, I am kind of looking forward to trying to get some spooky night shots for this week's Sunday Stills. Sure is dark enough now. lol

Jeffro, thank you scary sir and right back at you.

CNO, well dang, I am plumb happy for you