Yesterday was. The sun shone. Oh, there were clouds but they were a minor annoyance. The tractor had a flat tire...the big expensive rear tire. But our good tire guy came down and fixed it right away and charged a very reasonable amount so that was okay too.
And when I walked past the window on the way to who knows what, something flitted across the yard and flirted with the laundry. I am always thinking bird, and watching hard to see them, but this was something else, a monarch butterfly so bright and orange against the vibrant green left behind by all the water. It was as if it came just to entertain me, testing the last bright, red, canna blossom, comparing the colors of the shirts and blue jeans, floating up and down on a freshening breeze. It only stayed a moment or two, but they were good moments.

Then at evening chore time, the setting sun was like a spotlight shining across the shadows to highlight each bright tree against the darkness of the retreating clouds. The sky to the west was a soft, bright, greenish-gold, with just a few puffy clouds that looked as if they had been shipped down from Heaven.
Just to make it perfect, better than perfect, beyond all that is perfect, a set of geese winged over low, heading straight into the sun. It lit their wings until they seemed to be made of burnished metal, tin foil geese, mirror geese, so beautiful they made my heart hurt. Their calls followed them to the horizon as we went to let the girls into the barn to eat their supper.
Did you see the wonderful rainbow
in all that sunset beauty?
Over the town of Florida. I just couldn't stop looking at the beautiful light on the trees.
Such days are gold for the soul. enriching the spirit.
There is a reason we call them "great" days. isn't there? Saw one on FB this morning. "What if we woke up and only had what we had thanked the Lord for, yesterday!"
"Plumb made my day."
And you just made mine.
I'm going to read this to Mom when she comes out of her bedroom.
She's one of the few people I know that can appreciate poetry.
Great pictures, sister! Very beautiful.
I added you to the Gun Blog Black List:
Rose, I didn't but the boss did. He said it was spectacular!
Aka, they are!
JB, I saw that too...sure makes you think. In fact I looked around while I was milking this morning and thought of the list of things to be thankful for...overwhelming indeed
Cathy, thank you....
Lisa, thanks, I wish I could have captured the geese! Words couldn't possibly do them justice.
North, thanks! That is so cool!
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